Monday, May 28, 2012

Forbes Leadership Highlights of the Week:Bad Leadership in Action

Forbes Leadership Highlights of the Week:Bad Leadership in Action: We threw a spotlight on some bracing examples of leadership gone wrong at Forbes Leadership this week. Adam Hartung said "Sayonara Sony: How Industrial MBA-Style Leadership Killed a Once Great Company." Susan Adams dissected "The Incredible Stupidity That Created the GSA Debacle" and followed with "Stupidity at the GSA: It Gets Even Worse." John Bell marked the second anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon disaster with "The Gulf Spill: BP Still Doesn't Get It." Ken Makovsky saw Citigroup stock owners' rejection of Vikram Pandit's $15 million pay package as "A Wake-Up Call From Shareholders." And Ryan Holiday revealed "What the Failed $1 Million Netflix Prize Says About Business Advice."

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