Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How To Deal With Jerks And Idiots

How To Deal With Jerks And Idiots: Have you ever noticed that your co-workers tend to fall into two categories? First, you have the idiots – those lovely, well-intentioned people that don’t seem to have a clue what they’re doing. Second, you have the jerks – the people who are difficult to deal with, stubborn and always wrong. And they’re not just in your office! On the highway, the idiots are the people driving more slowly than you, while the jerks are the people whizzing by you in the left lane. At the grocery store, the idiots are blocking the ice cream aisle, while the jerks are pushing your cart aside to reach the soup. It feels like they’re following you around, doesn’t it? In fact, toward the end of a bad day, it can start to feel downright personal!

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