Thursday, May 2, 2013

5 Ways Leaders Can Reclaim Their Identity

5 Ways Leaders Can Reclaim Their Identity: The first job I had was with a large Wine & Spirits company.  It was a top-down, best-practice, zero-defect, career-path, fear-based culture.  Everyone was accountable to someone else, and had to follow a set of policies and procedures.   In this company, you were not encouraged to freely express your individuality.  In fact, in the classical ways of bureaucracies, the best sales people had been promoted into management – where they were floundering because they lacked the right types of skills to succeed in their new roles.  A great sales person is not necessarily a great manager.  But this company didn’t care about the consequences they created.  This was a linear-thinking, cookie-cutter, no-individuals-for-hire organization.

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