Thursday, June 21, 2012

Spring Clean Your Way to Being a Better Leader

Spring Clean Your Way to Being a Better Leader: I don?t pretend to know everything it takes to be a great leader. I do know that I have tremendous respect for business people who are calm, decisive, energized, and really present for the people they interact with. I also know that I?m at my professional best when I exhibit these traits and that the opposite is true: I?m far less effective when I?m frenzied, unfocused, tired, distracted. And I?ve noticed that I often get bogged down by a most curious phenomenon: clutter. Clutter appears in my life in various forms?in my file cabinets, my hall closet, my mind, my heart. The messier things are, the more my leadership suffers.
Clutter Is a Drag
Clutter?both the tangible and intangible kind?interferes with my clarity. It distracts me from what?s important. It slows me down from taking intentional action. It leaves me tired, discouraged, distracted and disengaged. As a result, my creativity stagnates and my relationships suffer. Clutter makes my ?I am woman, hear me roar? sound more like a meow.

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