Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Choosing a Leader? - 3 Things to Look For

Choosing a Leader? - 3 Things to Look For: Sometimes in cruising around the internet, I find an article that has one paragraph that really leaps out at me.  This article by Jeffrey Cohn at CNN Opinion is a case in point.  He's talking about why we so often pick poor leaders, even though we know how important good leaders are to any business. This subject is dear to my heart: I can't tell you how many times I've watched a board pick a new CEO or a senior executive hire or promote someone to fill a leadership spot, and thought to myself (or said it out loud, if I'm given the chance), "Really?  That person?  I'm pretty sure he or she is going to do a bad to mediocre job." Sometimes I'm wrong, but most of the time I'm right. And I just hate to see the stress that such hires and promotions put on an organization - on the people, and on results.

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