Thursday, March 29, 2012

4 Questions Every Leader Should Ask

4 Questions Every Leader Should Ask: Samuel Palmisano, who recently retired from his position as IBM's CEO and is now chairman of the board, is - by all accounts - a good leader.  He leaves IBM in excellent shape, financially and organizationally, and has handed over the day-to-day reins as CEO to Ginni Rommetty, the first woman to lead IBM.  if you wander around the web, you'll see that he's generally held in high regard by those he's led.  I read an article in the NYT last month that focused on how he has run his business over the past decade. I was especially struck by the four questions Palmisano used as a framework, starting just a few months after he became CEO:
• “Why would someone spend their money with you — so what is unique about you?”

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