Wednesday, June 29, 2011

5 Ways to Disaster Proof Your Finances

5 Ways to Disaster Proof Your Finances: "I’ve never experienced a tornado but I have experienced the earth shake violently under me during an earthquake in California and I felt, in an eerie way, like I was surfing on land.  Watching the news reports of the devastation of the tornadoes in the Midwest this past week made me appreciate the tremendous uncontrollable force of nature.  The devastation in Missouri was so sudden and overwhelming, it almost seems like it was pointless to prepare.  The emergency flashlight and the gallons of water stored in the basement just seem so minor in the wake of this disaster and it didn’t help the people whose homes were destroyed in an instant.  What we won’t see on the news are the people of the town quietly rebuilding their lives.  Those who have prepared financially will have a much easier time."

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