Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Young Entrepreneur's Generation Gap Challenge

The Young Entrepreneur's Generation Gap Challenge: "Here are three tips that will serve you well when dealing with an age bully."

The Startup Visa: a Boost for Small Business?

The Startup Visa: a Boost for Small Business?: "Proposed legislation could make it easier for entrepreneurs from other countries to start their businesses in the U.S."

Turn Leadership Boundaries Into Frontiers

Turn Leadership Boundaries Into Frontiers: "Frontiers are where all innovation happens, so you've got to open the way to them in your organization."

5 Tips for Working With Outsourced Designers

5 Tips for Working With Outsourced Designers: "

Your small business relies on a professional and consistent look and feel. But how do you achieve this when you don’t have the resources to have an in-house marketing design team? Print design, Web design and advertising copy – all of this can be quite complicated. Outsourced designers are a great way to bring in design expertise when you need it… but managing creative professionals has its own set of unique challenges...

Selling To Many Cultures--Within The U.S.

Selling To Many Cultures--Within The U.S.: "Too many companies fail to effectively target growing ethnic and immigrant markets within the U.S."

Matt Mickiewicz: How I Started 99designs

Matt Mickiewicz: How I Started 99designs: "The 27-year-old entrepreneur discusses trusting his instincts, scaling growth online and driving revenue with user feedback."

The Two Worst Pitching Mistakes

The Two Worst Pitching Mistakes: "Understanding the medium and the context is key to making a compelling pitch."

Selling Equity: A High-Stakes Game

Selling Equity: A High-Stakes Game: "Sidestepping the traps of equity fund-raising"

Small Business News: The Best Laid Plans

Small Business News: The Best Laid Plans: "

Successful small businesses are based, in part, on good planning whether this involves a formal business plan, good financial planning, marketing plan, whatever. Never fail to adequately plan where your business is headed, no matter how formal that plan may be. The type of plan is less important than having the right plan  in place for your business...

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Survive A Demotion

How To Survive A Demotion: "Stay put, adjust your attitude, set new goals, and network from within."

Hire your own overseas worker

Hire your own overseas worker: "I have always had trouble delegating. Even as a manager in corporate America, I had a tendency to do all my work myself -- everything from scheduling meetings, to reserving conference rooms, to ordering lunch for guests and sending faxes. I was convinced I was the best person to complete these tasks."

How to Identify and Reach Underserved Markets

How to Identify and Reach Underserved Markets: "So, you think you have all your online marketing bases covered? Sure, you may be reaching moms over 40 with your super smoothie maker ad and men between 30 and 60 with your online golf resale marketplace offer, but reaching potential customers online should be more than simply broadcasting ads to..."

The Voices of Venture Capital

The Voices of Venture Capital: "If your business plan is to start fast, grow big and sell or go public, then venture capital might be the way to fund that plan. In addition to an infusion of capital, you usually get access to the brain trust and contacts at the VC firm, providing experience and leverage for your fledgling enter..."

Are You Giving Your Web Customers What They Need?

Are You Giving Your Web Customers What They Need?: "How do your customers use the web? It's a simple question, but a question many small-business owners forget to discuss when working on their website. Frequently, small businesses get focused on their own technology and not the tools of their customers. From iPads and smartphones to oversized..."

How to Practice Safe Online Banking

How to Practice Safe Online Banking: "Online banking is a double-edged sword for small businesses: It's easy and convenient, and yet it makes them vulnerable targets for cybercriminals. There are a lot of small businesses out there, and they don't all have the big budgets for IT resources or a large staff."

Let Testimonials Do the Talking for You

Let Testimonials Do the Talking for You: "Increasingly,consumers are searching for reviews before they commit their dollars to buying products, booking services or donating to a charity. They want to read a positive review or comment, expressed in your customers' own words."

Hire Now, Save Later

Hire Now, Save Later: "The cautious whispers about economic recovery keep coming, and if your business is starting to pick up, you may be thinking about adding to your staff. The timing could not be better. In March, President Obama signed the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act into law. This new law offers..."

Firm that sells home security systems started with a domain name

Firm that sells home security systems started with a domain name: "More than a decade ago, MicroStrategy acquired the domain name www.alarm.com because it saw potential in such a short, pithy piece of Internet real estate. But the software maker, based in Tysons Corner, did not know what it wanted to do with the name."

Friday, November 26, 2010

Is Your Business Killing You?

Is Your Business Killing You?: "A sudden feeling of nausea, shortness of breath and massive head pain had me leaping from my theater seat and rushing to the restroom. The producer, a good friend, had invited me to sit in on a rehearsal to provide feedback. The outing ended when I suffered a minor stroke--and started a journey that..."

I started a business in paradise!

I started a business in paradise!: "From an event planner in Puerto Vallarta to the owner of a white-water rafting firm in the Colorado mountains, these folks launched businesses in their dream destinations."

10 Ways to Deny the Recession

10 Ways to Deny the Recession: "I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said 'Refuse to Participate in the Recession.' I have no idea if that driver had a job or was looking for one, but he was obviously electing to make the most of the challenges he faced."

10 Things Customers Want on a Website

10 Things Customers Want on a Website: "By Monte Enbysk So you want your website to make you look big. More power to you."

Inside the mind of America's suit guy

Inside the mind of America's suit guy: "I never considered the clothing business in college. But my father was a manufacturer of men's wear in the Northeast and wanted to investigate manufacturing in Asia. In 1972 he sent me to Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong for four months. I'm convinced it was his way of getting me into business, rather than letting me be a hippie."

China's 5 best new cities for business

China's 5 best new cities for business: "Want to start a venture in China? Here are the five places Chinese managers think have the most potential."

How I raised $24,000 on Kickstarter

How I raised $24,000 on Kickstarter: "Andrew Plotkin is a programmer and game developer whose works include So Far, Spider and Web and The Dreamhold."

Are you in one of the top jobs for 2011?

Are you in one of the top jobs for 2011?: "If you're just entering the job market in 2011 -- or are hoping to retrain for a new job -- an international staffing services firm has some guidance on what sectors might be looking to hire."

Interest in learning about wine turned her into the Wine Coach

Interest in learning about wine turned her into the Wine Coach: "On her cross-country travels as a software saleswoman, Laurie Forster often froze whenever she had to confront a long list of fancy wines at business dinners with clients. Her knowledge of ordering drinks largely had been confined to her beverage of choice -- a glass of Yuengling Lager, which..."

Thursday, November 25, 2010

WePay is the anti-PayPal

WePay is the anti-PayPal: "Look out, PayPal. Two young entrepreneurs are gunning for you."

How debt led to sales of $1 million

How debt led to sales of $1 million: "For 12 years, Andrea Herrera played it safe and stayed out of debt."

Best Practices for Landing Impact Investment

Best Practices for Landing Impact Investment: "Stephanie Bernstein calls herself an accidental entrepreneur. Even with years of experience working in sales and education in the natural products market, the founder of To-Go Ware confesses she struggled with one of the most basic and necessary pieces of the startup equation: the search for...

Is Your Money Mindset Crippling Your Company?

Is Your Money Mindset Crippling Your Company?: "The latest statistics from the Small Business Administration show that new businesses have a 50 percent chance of surviving five years or more. While this dispels some longstanding beliefs that 95 percent of businesses fail within five years, the odds of success are still a coin toss."

What It Takes: Desire to help others guided successful career change

What It Takes: Desire to help others guided successful career change: "Toni Reinhart was working as an information technology manager 10 years ago when she decided she wanted to shift to a career that would give her the opportunity to help others. She was researching businesses to open when she came upon a Web site for a national agency that provides in-home health..."

9 ways your money is going sci-fi

9 ways your money is going sci-fi: "At Finovate two dozen companies vied to be the next big thing in personal finance. From pay-by-smartphone to smarter banking, here's what was new and cool."

Keep Your Credit Clean

Keep Your Credit Clean: "When it comes to managing your money, three little digits wield tremendous power over your future--and as with your cholesterol and your weight, you ignore them at your peril."

Accounting tools for a growing business

Accounting tools for a growing business: "Question: I recently purchased a small medical supply business. The business is both a retail store and a business-to-business distributor; we are also planning to add e-commerce."

Where entrepreneurs need nerves of steel

Where entrepreneurs need nerves of steel: "For Glenn Oliver , it took a certain amount of faith in the unseen to launch a business in Detroit, the poorest major city in America. Oliver is a lawyer, not a businessman, whose experience included clerking for a Michigan Supreme Court justice and approving utility contracts. But an entrepreneurial streak that runs in his family emerged when Oliver began to ponder the potential of a resource the Great Lake State has in abundance: water. Rising demand has spurred a global boom in water-supply projects. So why not create a marketplace for all the new business, where contractors and suppliers can bid on projects around the world? The result of Oliver's inspiration is a website he spent nine months building, H2bid.com, which charges $450 a year for a membership and bills itself as the 'largest clearinghouse' for water contracts. Oliver's venture isn't profitable yet, but he's confident that his startup will help the battered city. 'Entrepreneurship,' he notes, 'is the largest creator of wealth.'"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Owning Emerging Markets The Smart Way

Owning Emerging Markets The Smart Way: "Buy U.S. stocks that do big business abroad."

How To Use A Financial Adviser

How To Use A Financial Adviser: "Yes, financial advisers do dump clients."

Create Loyalty By Sharing The Wealth

Create Loyalty By Sharing The Wealth: "Keeping talented employees happy doesn't have to be financially excruciating. Try this strategy."

Marketing Content During the Customer Lifecycle

Marketing Content During the Customer Lifecycle

Here are a few types of content and methods of communication to consider:


  • Public Relations
  • Advertising
  • Word of Mouth
  • Social Media


  • Search Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Social Media
  • Webinars
  • Product/Service Reviews
  • Blogs
  • Direct Response


  • Website
  • Social Commerce


  • Social Media (ASB Virtual Branch is a great example)
  • Social CRM
  • Online Messaging (LivePerson)
  • Email
  • Search – After the sale queries on FAQ, Knowledge-base content


  • Email Newsletter
  • Webinars
  • Blog
  • Social Network, Forum – community

How To Give Difficult Feedback

How To Give Difficult Feedback: "An expert who has studied the matter for decades says you must make it timely, direct and focused on behavior."

Tracking Your Health Bills Online

Tracking Your Health Bills Online: "A guide to services that offer Web-based health records."

Now Is The Time To Gift Assets To Heirs

Now Is The Time To Gift Assets To Heirs: "Low gift tax rates and weak asset values make 2010 an ideal time to transfer real estate and family businesses."

5 Ways to Win More Business with Google Places

5 Ways to Win More Business with Google Places: "

With the rise of smart phone use in the US, (Google Android and iPhone are currently reporting roughly 500,000 activations a day ) it’s more important than ever to have your Google places listing up to speed because when people use voice search on  Android phones, the first results they see are from Google local.

Why do we trust certain people instantly?

Why do we trust certain people instantly?: "It comes down to five elements, what he calls the SPICE model."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Avoid Becoming The Next Genzyme, Toyota Or BP

How To Avoid Becoming The Next Genzyme, Toyota Or BP: "You must learn to see crises coming and prevent them."

Three Big Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make In A Recession

Three Big Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make In A Recession: "My company stayed alive by avoiding them all."

How To Communicate Better At Work

How To Communicate Better At Work: "Start with a headline, keep it short and cut the bull."
Mastering The Art Of Partnerships
The If-You-Nothing-Else Guide To Managing Growth
What women workers want
Why Serial Entrepreneurs Can't Stop
All The Ways Your Laziness Is Costing You
Fair and flexible - Business

Monday, November 22, 2010

Doing Business With The Big Boys
Money, Math And Medicine

Seven Auto Insurance Buying Tips

Seven Auto Insurance Buying Tips: "Seven smart tips for buying car insurance."

Should You Move Your Company Into The Cloud?

Should You Move Your Company Into The Cloud?: "Five criteria to consider."

How To Do Estate Planning On The Cheap

How To Do Estate Planning On The Cheap: "You could use software to write your own will, but here's a safer alternative."

10 Ways To Let People Down Easy

10 Ways To Let People Down Easy: "Thoughtful scripts for uncomfortable occasions."

Google opens online boutique for stylish women

Google opens online boutique for stylish women: "Google sauntered into the world of haute couture on Wednesday with the launch of boutiques.com, an online shop that matches hot fashions to women's tastes."

Facebook’s best friend

Facebook’s best friend: "Sheryl Sandberg has bold plans to transform the social networking site into an advertising juggernaut"

Asset Allocation For Your Whole Life

Asset Allocation For Your Whole Life: "When planning investments, consider your entire life."

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Who Should Run The Family Business? http://dld.bz/7dQk
Good job, coach http://dld.bz/7dTj
Make Yourself Self-Made http://dld.bz/7dPD
Healthy and happy employers & employees http://dld.bz/7dTe
Scouting For Future Billionaires http://dld.bz/7dP9
It’s tool time http://dld.bz/7dS5
Donald Trump On Succession http://dld.bz/7dP6
The look of leadership http://dld.bz/7dSm
Fail Like A Billionaire http://dld.bz/7dNr

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Who Gets Dad's Money? http://dld.bz/6VVX
Recession-proof your leadership by trusting stats http://dld.bz/68CF
Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Billionaire? http://dld.bz/6VVQ
Smart marketing for startups http://dld.bz/68CA
Facebook Pages for B2B Social Media Marketing http://dld.bz/6VYA
How To Make Your Performance Review Truly Useful http://dld.bz/6VVJ
Why your B2B company needs a marketing plan http://dld.bz/68BH
Nine Steps To Freelancing Success http://dld.bz/6VV2
Keep Upbeat On The Job Search When You're Down In The Dumps http://dld.bz/6MDv

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Five tools that build corporate culture http://dld.bz/68CM
Cloud computing allows business owners to access files from anywhere http://dld.bz/69nm
Why Business School Is Worth It http://dld.bz/688C
Does your business think long term? http://dld.bz/68Cu
10 Steps to Better Content Marketing & SEO http://dld.bz/6MEi
Too many clowns with no financial plan http://dld.bz/69rk
The Power Of Knowing What The Customer Knows http://dld.bz/688v
Convert prospects http://dld.bz/68B9
Social media: Selling gets more social http://dld.bz/68B4

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

10 Ways To Boost Employee Morale http://dld.bz/687V
Overcome a sales slump http://dld.bz/68Bw
How To Recover From Failure http://dld.bz/687K
Cost-cutting tips from experienced bankers http://dld.bz/68AX
Turning Around An Organization--And Yourself http://dld.bz/687D
Should you fire your star? http://dld.bz/68AG
Are Your Best Customers Draining You Dry? http://dld.bz/6876
Facebook 'Deals' lets businesses big and small offer discounts, rewards http://dld.bz/689R
Boost Your Business: 7 Minutes to Millions http://dld.bz/687g

Monday, November 15, 2010

Top Tips from financial experts http://dld.bz/63VU
15 Tips For Raising A Young Mogul http://dld.bz/63SR
Podcast: Small business financing http://dld.bz/63Tx
11 Movies Entrepreneurs Should Watch http://dld.bz/63S7
A Sharp Price: Advertising to a highly skeptical consumer http://dld.bz/63UR
Online marketing: Google grabbers http://dld.bz/63Tr
Retaining Key Employees In Times Of Change http://dld.bz/63Sy
Facebook is a terrible thing to waste http://dld.bz/63Tb
Four Essential Qualities Of Great Teams http://dld.bz/63RG

Friday, November 12, 2010

Passion is vital for new entrepreneurs http://t.co/YOC3Gbu
Three Keys To Improving Your Strategic Thinking http://cptl.st/8XqeXa
Entrepreneurs: Stop existing, start living http://t.co/tIOvmiN
Productivity: Attention, please! http://dld.bz/5DsD
Networking needn't involve uncomfortable events http://t.co/6zZ9gq3
How To Ace A Job Interview Meal http://cptl.st/9IQFTV
3 steps to motivate employees http://dld.bz/5DmU
Handing over the reins without harming business http://t.co/Mlj6Z4I
Secrets Of Nonverbal Communication http://cptl.st/9EbxmB

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Multi-tasking: Tuning out the noise http://dld.bz/5Dkr
Why The Best Executive Teams Can Make The Worst Decisions http://cptl.st/apbymS
Boost your hiring IQ http://dld.bz/5DfS
21 Cool Products And Services You Can Get For Free http://cptl.st/b5t4xK
Sell more with CRM http://dld.bz/5DfD
What makes people care? http://dld.bz/5CYn
Expand trade horizons, says CIBC http://t.co/Vvjc5YM
Get more done: 101 performance boosters http://dld.bz/5CXQ
Stay afloat by focusing on three main challenges http://t.co/516o4ap

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The first 90 days http://dld.bz/5CXr
Does face time with fellow execs pay off? http://t.co/ubah2mM
What employees want http://dld.bz/5CWT
Before you buy a business, do your homework http://t.co/u1RrAW5
The new rules of recruiting http://dld.bz/5CWm
Longevity breeds customer loyalty http://t.co/CcEPLYi
Seize the day! http://dld.bz/5CV4
VoIP makes sense for the savings alone http://t.co/MNceTG8
How savvy organizations motivate and inspire http://dld.bz/5CUZ

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Make Them Pay http://dld.bz/5agM
Management: Doing it right http://dld.bz/5DeQ
What It Takes http://cptl.st/c4Nlrt
Bringing a new hire up to speed at the office http://dld.bz/5aPY
10-step inflation survival guide http://on.mktw.net/cIQBdv
Can You Measure The ROI Of Your Social Media Marketing? http://cptl.st/btwygX
Twenty Million-Dollar Businesses You've Never Heard Of http://cptl.st/9NJoYh
Small Business Owners: Don't Succumb To Inaction http://cptl.st/a08w8a
Why social media makes sense for companies http://t.co/zWvv6MC
How To Lead When There's Still No Good News http://cptl.st/cJwuTw

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Check rules before selling a business http://dld.bz/5acR
How To Write A Compelling E-Mail Subject Line http://cptl.st/dpi4YE
How To Think Like Steve Jobs http://www.forbes.com/2010/10/19/steve-jobs-innovation-leadership-managing-creativity.html?feed=rss_business
Three More Big Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Starting Businesses http://cptl.st/c1fzrc
The Three Strengths Of A True Strategic Leader http://cptl.st/dyka2r
Genuine Business Lessons From Donald Trump http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/04/donald-trump-marketing-leadership-managing-image.html
Meet The Fastest Growing Company Ever http://cptl.st/9EYvcA
Why you should be buying dividend stocks now http://t.co/plDoVOi