Friday, September 28, 2012

The Six Secrets of Self-Control

The Six Secrets of Self-Control: What is it about self-control that makes it so difficult to rely on? Self-control is a skill we all possess (honest); yet we tend to give ourselves little credit for it. Self-control is so fleeting for most that when Martin Seligman and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania surveyed two million people and asked them to rank order their strengths in 24 different skills, self-control ended up in the very bottom slot (for the record, self-control is a key component of emotional intelligence).

5 Tips For Employers To Earn Respect From Employees

5 Tips For Employers To Earn Respect From Employees: In a previous blog (R-E-S-P-E-C-T: How To Earn Respect At Work), I discussed ways employees can earn respect at work. But earning respect shouldn’t be a one-way street – it should also be embraced by employers. Respect isn’t just something subordinates are forced to give managers. It’s a valuable asset for employers to show and earn in the workplace. Earning employee respect isn’t always easy, but when employers find ways to build respect at work, positive benefits ensue. How do you build employee respect at work?

The Worst Way to Set Sales Targets

The Worst Way to Set Sales Targets: Here's why a popular method for setting sales quotas is a really bad idea—and how you should set them instead

Thursday, September 27, 2012

7 Goals To Help Your Startup Craft A More Targeted PR Strategy

7 Goals To Help Your Startup Craft A More Targeted PR Strategy: It feels great to be covered by the media, but unless there's a business goal for getting press, it often doesn’t lead to any useful outcome -- aside from allaying your parents' fears that you don’t have a real job.

A Simple Way to Get Any Point Across

A Simple Way to Get Any Point Across: This article is by Deborah Grayson Riegel, president of Elevated Training Inc., a communication skills training and coaching company. She is the author of Oy Vey! Isn’t a Strategy: 25 Solutions for Personal and Professional Success.

Driving Change Without Rocking the Boat

Driving Change Without Rocking the Boat: Whether promoted from within or recruited from without, executives in new roles had better be ready to drive change.The tricky part: knowing what to change--and how much.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Seven Keys to Adjusting to a New Boss

Seven Keys to Adjusting to a New Boss: Imation CFO Paul Zeller knows a thing or two about surviving in a cutthroat corporate world. Four different CEOs have come and gone since he has been CFO. The current CEO changed out every single person on the leadership team except Zeller. When I interviewed Zeller for my earlier article on Imation’s M&A tactics, I asked him how he survived.

CFO at 28: Career Advice from a Seasoned Professional

CFO at 28: Career Advice from a Seasoned Professional: For the inaugural “CFO Insights” column, I spoke with Ben Mulling, CMA, CPA.CITP, CFO at TENTE Casters Inc. and member of the IMA Global Board of Directors who earned his title of CFO at age 28. We discussed the increasingly strategic role accounting and finance professionals are asked to perform and the skills necessary to advance in the profession. For more advice on how to succeed in today’s marketplace, watch the extended video interview below.

What’s Your Endgame?

What’s Your Endgame?: Without purpose, you cannot build a business; you can only make a living. And that will have massive implications by the time it comes to sell

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

3 Ways to Operationalize the Extra Mile

3 Ways to Operationalize the Extra Mile: Stephanie Burns is the founder and co-owner of Chic CEO ? a free resource for female entrepreneurs. You can follow her on Twitter at @ChicCEO.

14 Things You Should Do at the Start of Every Work Day

14 Things You Should Do at the Start of Every Work Day: The first few hours of the work day can have a significant effect on your level of productivity over the following eight—so it’s important you have a morning routine that sets you up for success.

15 Surefire Ways To Please Customers

15 Surefire Ways To Please Customers: You have one way to grow: surround your customers with value. Here's how.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Everyone Likes a Compliment

Everyone Likes a Compliment: Moving people to action — whether large groups of people, or just one individual — is at the core of a professional communicator’s responsibilities.  

A Leadership Job Description

A Leadership Job Description:
When was the last time you read a leadership job description? We have job descriptions for every position under the sun, but I’ve yet to see one for leaders. Virtually every job description you’ll read lists “leadership ability” as a quality/characteristic/attribute that is valued, and in fact, most list it

Fifteen ways to keep startup staff happy

Fifteen ways to keep startup staff happy: What’s the secret for keeping employees at startups motivated? Here’s how 15 entrepreneurs respond

Friday, September 21, 2012

How To Turn Setbacks Into Business Breakthroughs

How To Turn Setbacks Into Business Breakthroughs: Everyone knows the saying, “When life gives you lemons, then make lemonade,” but have you heard anyone explain exactly how to make the delicious lemonade from such a sour lemon?

Advice on Company Building from Ben Horowitz

Advice on Company Building from Ben Horowitz: At TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco, Ben Horowitz of Silicon Valley venture firm Andreessen Horowitz was interview by Bill Campbell of Intuit, himself another giant of Silicon Valley. Ben Horowitz's blog is fantastic source of advice about scaling and running a company, especially in the enterprise space; I've been following it since he started writing. I wanted to share some of the advice and lessons that were brought up during the conversation on stage.

Five tips to delegate more effectively

Five tips to delegate more effectively: As your business grows, letting go of certain responsibilities and assigning them to others becomes a critical skill. Approaching it correctly may be harder than you think

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Five Challenges For Tomorrow's Global Marketing Leaders: Study

Five Challenges For Tomorrow's Global Marketing Leaders: Study: This article is by Freddie Laker, VP of global marketing strategy, and Hilding Anderson, research and insights director, both at SapientNitro.

Want to Change the World? Define Your Organization's Attitude

Want to Change the World? Define Your Organization's Attitude: Successful organizations like Apple, Coca-Cola, the Red Cross and Ritz-Carlton all have a distinct attitude. For example, Apple leads its competitors in designing innovative products. Winning attitudes do not emerge by chance. Leaders aligning their organization?s strategy, posture and culture create them.
Attitude Defined
The components of an organization?s attitude include strategy, posture and culture. As examples, look at Apple, Coca-Cola, the Red Cross and Ritz-Carlton:

How to Triple Profitability

How to Triple Profitability: Research shows these five drivers of employee engagement are key to bottom-line success

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Build a Competitive Talent Advantage

How to Build a Competitive Talent Advantage: How can your company attract and retain the best employees? Sylvia Ann Hewlett, founding president of the Center for Talent Innovation, says it’s crucial to recognize upfront that “our career model is hopelessly dated.” In many ways, the corporate world is still stuck in the 1960s and 1970s, she says, but both the demographics and the needs of the workforce have changed dramatically. So what are the most successful companies doing?

3 Things You Can Do To Change People's Behavior

3 Things You Can Do To Change People's Behavior: Getting people (yourself included) to change the way they act is tough. Here's how to do it.

What to Do With a Workplace Whiner

What to Do With a Workplace Whiner: Toiling alongside a chronic complainer can lower productivity and morale. Here's how to cope.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Picking a Corporate Leader: The Crucial Question Almost No One Asks

Picking a Corporate Leader: The Crucial Question Almost No One Asks: This article is by Gautam Mukunda, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School and author of the forthcoming Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter (Harvard Business Review Press, September 2012).

Adjusting to a New Manager? Try Putting Yourself in Her Shoes

Adjusting to a New Manager? Try Putting Yourself in Her Shoes: There’s an old saying that goes, “Great managers are made, not born.” OK, maybe the original refers to “great leaders,” but it applies to managers, too.

7 deadly sins of business growth

7 deadly sins of business growth: There are several underlying issues that make growing your company completely different from everything else you do in your business. But there's hope.

Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Get a Raise, From 4 Women Who Got One

How to Get a Raise, From 4 Women Who Got One: We’re told over and over again that women are too reticent, too lacking in confidence, too timid to ask for a raise.

5 Things Failure Teaches You About Leadership

5 Things Failure Teaches You About Leadership: As you reflect upon your career and future, step-back and assess your body of work and how it has impacted the manner in which you lead.    What makes you a stronger leader and provides you the perspective to cast a greater vision and help others achieve more?  It is the wisdom embedded within your failures.   Understandably, most people would rather not talk about their failures, but it sure does teach one how to manage adversity; for example, to understand why certain dots didn?t connect in their career, or why certain relationships or opportunities went awry.

60 Minutes to Clear Goals

60 Minutes to Clear Goals: Save yourself hundreds of hours by both doing things right and, more important, doing the right things

Friday, September 14, 2012

How To Give A Great Speech

How To Give A Great Speech: The late Steve Jobs? 2005 commencement address at Stanford University has been viewed more than 7 million times on YouTube. Seven years after he delivered it, a text version still flies around the Web. The speech is as powerful for its message?stay hungry, stay foolish?as it is for its structure and delivery. ?Today I want to tell you three stories from my life,? says Jobs. ?That?s it. No big deal. Just three stories.? And with that, viewers (and readers) are hooked.

The Impact of Mentors

The Impact of Mentors: Life and Business are hard and even the smallest measure of success requires the help of lots of mentors, friends, and family. For many of us, there is a very small number of people who have the most impact; that professor in college, that mentor during the first job, or that CEO who took an interest. When I reflect on my own career, it is easy to identify the two or three people who had the biggest impact for me. One of them is David Tisch who co-founded TechStars NYC and played an instrumental role in helping us develop and build ThinkNear from the very beginning.

4 Ways to Stop Making Excuses and Follow Your Passion

4 Ways to Stop Making Excuses and Follow Your Passion: How to know when it's the right time to start your own business.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How To Work Faster

How To Work Faster: In recent months, I quit a couple of regular gigs I had. I did this because, you know, why not? Life is short, and I'd rather be doing what I want.

How to Get Someone to Like You Immediately

How to Get Someone to Like You Immediately: If you’re meeting with a client for the first time or starting a new job, you want to make a great first impression. But aside from the obvious (be friendly, polite, and dress well), is there anything you can do to get someone to like you immediately?

Business Advice from 9 Successful Entrepreneurs

Business Advice from 9 Successful Entrepreneurs: These big names in business share the lessons they have learned on the road to success.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

An Essential Executive Skill: The Ability To Manage Both Up And Down

An Essential Executive Skill: The Ability To Manage Both Up And Down: Many years ago, when I was a much younger lad, I had the good fortune to be a member of the Polynesian Voyaging Society and sail as a crew member of the Hokule'a, an ancient-Polynesian-style vessel, from Tahiti to Rarotonga in the Cook Islands, a distance of some 700 miles, without using navigational instruments.

6 Leadership Tips from Jim Collins

6 Leadership Tips from Jim Collins: Though it has been more than 25 years, the leadership lessons I learned from Jim Collins remain pivotal to my life. Ordinarily, as Huck Finn might say, I don’t take much stock in “tips.” Human beings prefer the concrete to the abstract... However, there are exceptions to every rule, and Collins passed on a number of highly practical tips that I feel no qualms about passing on to you.

Managing Mental Health at Work

Managing Mental Health at Work: As more adults seek treatment for psychiatric disorders, companies appear eager to support employee wellness initiatives. But managers are wary of getting too deeply involved in staffers' private health issues.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interviewing For A Job? The Number One Way To Stand Out From The Pack

Interviewing For A Job? The Number One Way To Stand Out From The Pack: You’ve placed all the right words in your resume. You’ve used all of your LinkedIn connections. And you have the interview. Want to stand out? Bring your passion into the room.

How Extremely Successful People Get Their Boss To Say Yes

How Extremely Successful People Get Their Boss To Say Yes:  Last time, we talked about the best way to sell your idea internally. But we sort of sidestepped the threshold question. You aren't going to have anything to sell, if the boss hasn't given the okay to give it a shot.

The 5 Essentials of Executive Excellence

The 5 Essentials of Executive Excellence: Whether you are a new entrepreneur or seasoned executive, your business will only perform as well as you do

Monday, September 10, 2012

What To Do When You Hate An Influential Colleague At Work

What To Do When You Hate An Influential Colleague At Work: Executive coaching clients over the years have come to me with a key dilemma:  “What do I do when I hate someone at work and feel he (or she) is out to get me?”

3 Lessons From Amazon On Delighting Your Customers

3 Lessons From Amazon On Delighting Your Customers: I just read that the e-commerce market in the US is expected to reach $226 billion this year.  Amazon's US sales are expected to be about $30 billion.  My quick math tells me that means about 13¢ of every dollar spent online in the US is going to Amazon.  Clearly, Jeff Bezos and company are doing some things very right. And it behooves all of us who are trying to make our businesses better to pay attention.

How a Promise Can Drive Your Business Forward

How a Promise Can Drive Your Business Forward: Brand isn’t just about ads and logos. It’s an underused tool that can boost your top and bottom lines

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Forbes Leadership Highlights of the Week: Everything You Do Wrong

Forbes Leadership Highlights of the Week: Everything You Do Wrong: Forbes Leadership was loaded this week with thoughts about what you do wrong and what to do about it. Carmine Gallo led off with "Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career: The Interview." Ron Ashkenas exposed "Seven Mistakes Leaders Make in Setting Goals." Erika Andersen taught us "How to Stop Being Too Complicated (or Too Simple)." She also learned some valuable "Lessons From a Bad Boss." Kevin Kruse took on "The Performance Appraisal: A Workplace Evil That Must Be Destroyed Like a Blood-Sucking Vampire," and Edward Lawler chimed in with "Performance Appraisals Are Dead, Long Live Performance Management." I caught a cross-section of a whole industry admitting guilt, in "Financial Executives: Sure We Lie and Cheat." Dorie Clark explained "Why Your Company Should Blow Up the Corporate Ladder" and pointed out "The Environmental Opportunity Your Business Is Missing." Don't let that all make you feel like a failure, though. The usefulness of failure is highly overrated, as Michael Tefula, courtesy of Brittany Binowski, told us in "The Failure Myth: Why Failing More Often Is Bad for You."

How To Find Your Passion

How To Find Your Passion: Just read a really useful and thought-provoking article on Amex Open Forum, The 3 Biggest Things Entrepreneurs Mistake for Their Passion.  The author notes that entrepreneurs often mistake the enjoyment of a hobby, the idea of a 'hot trend,' or the possibility of a quick financial gain for 'passion.' It's true - but it's not just true for entrepreneurs; I've seen lots of employees do the same thing.

How to Spark Creativity

How to Spark Creativity: Visionary strategies require ingenuity, but founders get so mired in execution they forget how to be inventive. Identify and remove these seven common roadblocks and harness the power of creativity

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

5 Ways To Ensure That Team Members Develop Into Great Leaders

5 Ways To Ensure That Team Members Develop Into Great Leaders: It happens every day. A stellar performer is promoted from team member or individual contributor to manager of a team. And nearly every day, that new manager struggles. They struggle because the job they are now doing is vastly different from the job they were doing, even though they stayed on the same team.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Play to Your Strengths: 3 Steps to Building a Business that Thrives

Play to Your Strengths: 3 Steps to Building a Business that Thrives: As entrepreneurs we are all engines of the new economy—in fact we create our own economy. Over the past 12 years my business has continued to grow consistently in profit and size, year after year, despite what the overall economy is experiencing. Please know, I don’t share this to brag by any means—but rather to inspire and share an example of what is possible.

Score a Promotion with These 11 Tips From Real Bosses

Score a Promotion with These 11 Tips From Real Bosses:
Have you ever been promoted?
If so, congratulations. If not, there might be something you can do about that.
And we don’t mean “be more confident” or “be more passionate.” We mean specific actions you can take to impress your superiors—and take home a bigger paycheck...

Make References Work for You

Make References Work for You: Job seekers need to strategize when selecting individuals to provide testimonials about their competence and character.

Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy

How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy: You can be your own biggest supporter - or your own worst detractor. Learn how to manage your inner monologue to make sure you're not getting in your own way.

Three Ways to Harness the Power of Your Intuition

Three Ways to Harness the Power of Your Intuition: For decades, the mandate of successful executives was to set a plan and stick with it. Those days are gone, says Grant McCracken, an anthropologist and author of Culturematic: How Reality TV, John Cheever, a Pie Lab, Julia Child, Fantasy Football . . . Will Help You Create and Execute Breakthrough Ideas. “Capitalism used to be so analytical, precise, and rule-oriented,” he says. “The whole job of management was staying away from what was intuitive.” But the reverse is now true, he argues, and the most successful leaders are experts in adapting quickly and listening to their hunches.

Why Self-Awareness Is Crucial for Entrepreneurs

Why Self-Awareness Is Crucial for Entrepreneurs: Individuals building businesses will accomplish more if they understand what drives their decisions, Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck co-author Richard J. Harrington says