Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to Deal with Difficult Co-Workers

How to Deal with Difficult Co-Workers: We?ve all had a co-worker who?s driven us nuts ? a micromanaging boss, a suckup colleague, a slacker employee. You might think your professional life would improve dramatically if they weren?t around. But, says Diana McLain Smith, author of The Elephant in the Room: How Relationships Make or Break the Success of Leaders and Organizations, they could actually be your ticket to dramatic professional growth. ?Anytime you find yourself up against somebody who frustrates you, that person is telling you that you?re at the limits of your competence,? she says. ?That?s why you?re frustrated - because you don?t know how to deal with them. You need to make a conscious choice: do you need to learn how to deal with that person in order to be successful??

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