Friday, April 29, 2011

5 Easy Ways To Save On Groceries

5 Easy Ways To Save On Groceries: "Groceries represent a large part of the overall monthly budget for most families. According to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average family spends just under 13% of their budget on food costs. That number is expected to rise in the next year as the astronomical price increases in wheat and corn begin to show themselves at the grocery checkout. (For related reading, also check out 22 Ways To Fight Rising Food Prices.)"

To Launch Your Business, Embrace Risk-Taking

To Launch Your Business, Embrace Risk-Taking: "By learning what makes veteran entrepreneurs adept risk-takers, aspiring starters-up can get closer to taking the leap"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Agile leaders -- what do they look like?

Agile leaders -- what do they look like?: "Agile Leaders are those who “figure it out”, who “get it”, when faced with new and challenging situations. Agile Leaders are not only fast and effective problem solvers when dealing with situations they’ve never dealt with before, but they are also laser-focused on results and excellent at reshaping plans and priorities when faced with unexpected changes in the environment. They are resourceful and competitive. And, they get it done fast."

When It Pays to Spend on Trade Shows

When It Pays to Spend on Trade Shows: "First determine what you'll get out of attending an event in person. Then consider a veteran business conference organizer's advice"

Advisors' Pay Tells What They Do

Advisors' Pay Tells What They Do: "If you really want to know what an financial advisor does, don't ask them, find out how they’re paid. The way an advisor earns personal income tells you a lot more about what they do than what they say."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Courageous Leaders: Doing Hard But Necessary Things

Courageous Leaders: Doing Hard But Necessary Things: "When someone says the word “courageous,” we generally think first about physical courage: rushing into a burning building to save a child; going toe-to-toe with a bully."

How to Market Your Startup to People Not Like You

How to Market Your Startup to People Not Like You: "Face reality. As an entrepreneur, you should assume none of your customers is like you, yet I find that most entrepreneurs assume just the opposite. Customers don’t have your technical base, the passion, and interest in your solution. In fact, even if they did, they couldn’t find you in the clutter. An underrated portion of every startup effort must be about communication and marketing."

How To Fight Financial Overwhelm

How To Fight Financial Overwhelm: "What would happen if you pared your life down to the essentials?"

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Better Business Plan Can Lead to New Customers

A Better Business Plan Can Lead to New Customers: "These four steps can help get you on your way to enhancing and expanding your client base."

Succeeding in Business After Bankruptcy

Succeeding in Business After Bankruptcy: "The author of a new study on entrepreneurs finds that those who had declared bankruptcy in the group she analyzed were as large and profitable as those who hadn't"

Growing Pains: Money Lessons We Should Have Learned

Growing Pains: Money Lessons We Should Have Learned: "If only our earliest encounters with money, like getting a quarter for cleaning our room or a whole dollar from the Tooth Fairy, taught us what we would need to know about personal finance. Instead, we learned the hard way by growing up."

Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Mentor Your Employees To Success

How to Mentor Your Employees To Success: "Equinix and Flextronics' CIOs on creating a workplace that inspires future leaders."

Simple Steps To Organizing Your Office

Simple Steps To Organizing Your Office: "Business owners are so tremendously busy running their day-to-day operations that there is rarely spare time to organize their office as well."

Friday, April 22, 2011

10 Life And Money Lessons For Your Children

10 Life And Money Lessons For Your Children: "When I was a child, seat belts were just being introduced. They were there merely as a suggestion – a suggestion that I admit I rarely followed. When I became a father, however, I began to click the buckle more regularly. As my children grew, they would often chime, "Don't forget your seatbelt, Daddy!""

Overcoming The Debt Supercycle

Overcoming The Debt Supercycle: "Investor and author John Mauldin on government debt and why Paul Krugman is right."

5 Body Language Secrets Every Leader Should Know

5 Body Language Secrets Every Leader Should Know: "This week, my book "The Silent Language of Leaders: How Body Language Can Help - or Hurt - How You Lead" is available online and in neighborhood bookstores. As a preview to the book, here are five body language secrets that every leader should know:"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Twittering traders

Twittering traders: "How the social network can show movement in the markets"

Paying Sales Tax On Internet Purchases?

Paying Sales Tax On Internet Purchases?: "Well, are you?  Increasingly, the answer will be yes, especially if you lump use tax into the equation.  You may even find that you’re better off doing it rather than facing a later tax bill with interest and penalties."

Lessons I Learned from Interviewing Over A Thousand Financial Planners

Lessons I Learned from Interviewing Over A Thousand Financial Planners: "Over the years, I’ve personally interviewed over a thousand financial planners as part of our recruiting process at Financial Finesse."

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Follow Seven Rules for a Creative Startup Culture

Follow Seven Rules for a Creative Startup Culture: "Within the startup realm, there is a big difference between having an innovative product versus an innovative business. Some startups have a new technology, but stick to a tried-and-true business model. Others take an existing product, and give it new life with a creative business model. The most competitive startups do both, all the time and every time."

How To Fake Charisma

How To Fake Charisma: "Body language expert, Carol Goman, on projecting an infectious positive attitude and energy."

Felix Dennis on the 'Getting of Money'

Felix Dennis on the 'Getting of Money': "The publishing magnate explains how entrepreneurialism can lead to financial wealth."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

5 Tricks For Lowering Your Property Tax

5 Tricks For Lowering Your Property Tax: "Property taxes can be extremely burdensome for a homeowner. They tend to rise steadily over time and, even once you pay off your mortgage, the taxes keep on coming. The good news, however, is that there are some things homeowners can do to minimize the property tax burden."

5 Ways to Become Indispensable at Work

5 Ways to Become Indispensable at Work: "One third of Americans want to quit their jobs, and millions of Americans are depressed trying to get a job in the first place. Some job seekers are even starting their own businesses because they feel that it's easier than sending out a few thousand resumes every month. The reality is that it's more important, than ever before, to remain loyal to your company and work as hard as you can to become indispensable at work. When your manager, your co-workers, and executives view you as a valuable asset, it is highly likely that you will get a raise, a promotion, and have a very successful career. This, of course, is only possible if you enjoy your job in the first place. If you hate your job, then you will never be able to become indispensable because there will always be someone else in the world who will do the same work with a smile! Here are five ways that you can become indispensable at work and take your career to the next level:"

Why Charlie Sheen Bombed: The 3 Errors Entrepreneurs Should Avoid At All Cost.

Why Charlie Sheen Bombed: The 3 Errors Entrepreneurs Should Avoid At All Cost.: "It’s 2012 and Alex Trebek is hosting Jeopardy. A contestant chooses the category “Common Bonds” for $800. Alex reads the answer: “The Edsel, New Coke, Ishtar, and Charlie Sheen’s My Violent Torpedo of Truth Tour.” Question: “What are 4 epic bombs?” With his foray into monology Charlie Sheen has become a living [...]"

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ten Steps to Build Real Startup Team Engagement

Ten Steps to Build Real Startup Team Engagement: "Success in a startup is not possible as a “one-man show.” An entrepreneur has to engage with team members, partners, investors, vendors, and customers. In my experience, the joy of positive engagement is sometimes the only pay you get in an early startup. Amazingly, many successful startups are built on this basis alone, with almost no money."

Does a Small Business Need to Tweet?

Does a Small Business Need to Tweet?: "Many small business owners look at me sideways when I suggest exploring Twitter as a marketing channel. They know what Twitter is, and they get the concept, but many don’t interact with it personally. Plus, they rightly recognize that it can be a whole lot of work for uncertain gain. (Worse, they suspect no one is on twitter except consultants trying to prove how smart they are, which isn’t completely false.)"

How to Pay No Taxes

How to Pay No Taxes: "Eleven shelters, dodges, and rolls—all perfectly legal—used by America's wealthiest people"

Friday, April 15, 2011

25 More Quick Personal Branding Tricks

25 More Quick Personal Branding Tricks: "In a previous post I shared 25 tricks to boost your personal brand. Here are 25 more.  This is the second in a four part series."

How to Lure Potential Customers to Your Site

How to Lure Potential Customers to Your Site: "Problems? Your company may be targeting the wrong market with the wrong tool. Instead of search marketing, hire a few sales folks and build awareness with ads"

Why Can't I Find Good Salespeople? Mastering the 3 Keys to Identifying and Developing Sales Stars

Why Can't I Find Good Salespeople? Mastering the 3 Keys to Identifying and Developing Sales Stars: "As the economy continues to improve, employers are beginning to look towards developing more aggressive growth plans.  Many companies, particularly smaller ones, that survived the downturn, did so by aggressively cutting costs.  While this was a necessary response, most companies are now finding expenses have been cut as much as possible, and  they now must begin to grow sales in order to meet financial goals.  In many cases, this means hiring and developing new sales staff."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dining for Success: 15 Tips to Avoid Business Meal Mishaps

Dining for Success: 15 Tips to Avoid Business Meal Mishaps: "There is nothing more uncomfortable than sitting across the table from your boss and noticing the tomato soup streaming from his mouth and the breadcrumbs stuck to his chin. Or perhaps you are trying to impress an important client and realize that you are not sure which bread plate belongs to you."

Negotiating Your Next Raise

Negotiating Your Next Raise: "Asking for a raise doesn’t come naturally to many of us, especially us women. Men initiate pay negotiations about 4 times as often as women, and women sacrifice on average half a million to $1.5 million in pay over the course of their careers by failing to negotiate, according to author and researcher Linda Babcock."

Top 8 iPhone Apps for Busy Women

Top 8 iPhone Apps for Busy Women: "The technology-gender gap has closed. Women in the workforce have shooed the stereotypical nerdy male out of his comfort zone and proven their own technological dexterity."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How To Lift Yourself Out Of Time-Debt

How To Lift Yourself Out Of Time-Debt: "This post provided by"

25 Quick Tricks for Boosting Your Personal Brand

25 Quick Tricks for Boosting Your Personal Brand: "When introducing yourself, say your first AND last name.
Offer a firm handshake. If you have a weak one, practice on a friend.
Don’t apologize for your career. Ever.
When someone gives you a compliment, say “Thank you“ without adding more.
Smile. As much as possible.
Never leave a conversation having learned nothing about the other person.
Care about your appearance.
Give at least two compliments every day.
When someone asks you for help, say yes unless it will harm you or your family."

Getting your business strategy right

Getting your business strategy right: "Fired up about your company's strategic plan? Great, but before you commit the rest of the year to executing it, make sure you pass these five litmus tests. If not, head back to the drawing board with your management team."

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Start-Up America: 6 Secrets of Startup Success

Start-Up America: 6 Secrets of Startup Success: "Last month, my fellow contributor at Forbes, Daniel Eisenberg, celebrated the White House’s effort to encourage entrepreneurship through its initiative:  Start-Up America. He wrote: “Bravo President. Bravo White House. Bravo corporate America. Bravo private foundations, think tanks and NGOs. Bravo entrepreneurs. Bravo venture capitalists.”"

Four Steps to Improving Profits through Sustainability

Four Steps to Improving Profits through Sustainability: "Many executives see the drive toward sustainability as a forced march, one in which the government plays the role of drill sergeant, yelling at companies to be more efficient and cut carbon emissions and then punishing them with regulations. From this perspective, making your business more sustainable means making it worse."

10 Ways to Cut Overhead without Decreasing Morale

10 Ways to Cut Overhead without Decreasing Morale

Monday, April 11, 2011

5 Things You Need To Succeed As An Entrepreneur

5 Things You Need To Succeed As An Entrepreneur: "You’ll eventually need start-up funds, an office space, and a business license to become an entrepreneur. But before you take the plunge, make sure you also have these five intangibles that are absolutely crucial to CEO success."

6 Tips for Services Startups When Profits Plateau

6 Tips for Services Startups When Profits Plateau: "A good many startups I know have been “successful” over a couple of years in overcoming the challenges of starting the business, including incorporation, services development, funding, and setting up operations. Yet they still haven’t achieved a healthy growing profit, even though this was one of the main reasons they went into business for themselves in the first place."

5 Ways to Keep Inflation From Eating Away at Retirement Savings

5 Ways to Keep Inflation From Eating Away at Retirement Savings: "Feeling out of control as prices all around you tick upward? The Grinch is in the house."

Friday, April 8, 2011

Three Steps to Making Better Decisions

Three Steps to Making Better Decisions: "I’m four years older than my brother Tom and though we couldn’t be more different, he is also my best friend. They say great fighter pilots don’t climb into jets they wrap jets around them, and so it is with Tom and spreadsheets. As a partner in our entrepreneurial start-up, Tom was our ace number cruncher; constantly cranking out the analytics we needed to run the business."

What Makes a Leader?

What Makes a Leader?: "I've been a fascinated observer of leaders for 30 years.  My first CEO interaction (or at least the one I remember most vividly) was with Arch McGill, then President of AIS/American Bell, in 1981."

The Three Killer Small Biz Apps Coming in 2012

The Three Killer Small Biz Apps Coming in 2012: "I’m going to make a few predictions for the remainder of 2011 and 2012. "

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Three Low-Cost Perks That Help Entrepreneurs Keep Top Talent

Three Low-Cost Perks That Help Entrepreneurs Keep Top Talent: "You may not want to think about it, but it’s true: rock star employees can and do switch jobs in both good and bad economies. Maybe that’s why an increasing number of small businesses are putting a higher premium on employee retention."

5 Handy Online Tools To Streamline Your Business

5 Handy Online Tools To Streamline Your Business: "I'm always on the look out for new tools and resources to ensure I waste less time, become more efficient and make sure my money stretches further."

Planning Your Retirement

Planning Your Retirement: "Andrew Sieg talks about the number one concerns for those planning their retirement."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Best Retirement Plans For The Self-Employed

The Best Retirement Plans For The Self-Employed: "For the self-employed, even if the will to save for retirement is there, the way can be problematic."

Dealing With Credit Card Debt: The Island Approach

Dealing With Credit Card Debt: The Island Approach: "When it was being widely reported earlier this year that American consumers were systematically paying down their credit card debt, perhaps there was reason for encouragement. Maybe, you might have thought, people have truly learned their lesson and are taking strides to live within their means and avoid overleveraging."