Friday, January 28, 2011

The Most Outrageous Job Interview Mistakes

The Most Outrageous Job Interview Mistakes: "Hug the interviewer? Show off an obviously fake diploma? People have done it."

Tech-Gear Company Makes Traditional Trendy

Tech-Gear Company Makes Traditional Trendy: "How DODOcase leveraged social media, and the skill of a master bookbinder, to catapult its iPad cases onto the market."

Every Entrepreneur Needs to Start With a Prototype

Prototypes in the age of the Internet. Creating a prototype for your product has probably never been simpler with a host of manufacturers, distributors etc. available online. The Internet also makes it easier than ever before to get your product or prototype in front of decision makers or potential customers. But first, be sure you understand what your prototype should do as far as validating your business idea. For more on this, read Martin Zwilling’s full post.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Are You Hiding From Your Customers on Social Media?

Promoting your online adventures in the real world. Making the jump to social media and other online marketing is great, but remember to promote these endeavors as well in the real world. Take every opportunity to let your customers know where they can find you online and don’t expect them to find you. It’s true your online marketing efforts should bring in customers you might not have had otherwise but don’t forget the reverse is also true.

10 iPhone Apps That Small Business Owners Need

iPhone apps for small business. Want to talk about increasing productivity. What about being able to run your company from you smartphone. Want to do everything from sending documents to managing your payroll while on the go? These apps, some free but all modestly priced, will further the movement toward mobile entrepreneurship and have you ready to work even while on the road.

Five Rules of Raising Capital

Tips for raising small business capital. Raising money to start your business may be among your most important steps in the process of getting your small business up and running and make no mistake, it isn’t easy. But with five easy steps you make the prospecting process much easier by establishing a business model, a product and an easily understandable picture of the value your company represents.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Top 10 Cloud Applications for Small Business

10 cloud applications your business could be using now. From communications to business applications to managing customer relations, hooking your business to the resources of the cloud enhances your tech muscle with little or no heavy duty tech investment. Many applications include free plans perfect for tight budgets and shoestring startups so what are you waiting for?

Market research at the click of a mouse

Market research at the click of a mouse. No more is market research solely in the domain of giant corporations with the deep pockets to pay for vast customer and market studies. Meet GutCheck, a startup that is billing itself as a simple alternative to big marketing studies via the Internet at a price even a small business can afford.

Looking for a secret weapon to drive social media sales?

Looking for a secret weapon to drive social media sales? Would you believe the Facebook “Like” button. This brief story tells of one retailers experience using the rather simple and popular FB feature to drive not only individual sales but also overall engagement with online customers. How are you using social media to drive your company’s sales?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Pick the Perfect Brand Name

By any other name. Yes, that new product, business or service name certainly can be important. Think of how much is riding on your choice! No, maybe it’s a better idea that you don’t go overboard fretting about this particular choice. Instead, get educated about the best way to identify a new business or revitalize an old one. Fast Company

Get Better Now With The One Hour Rule

Become a better entrepreneur spending one hour a day. Zack Shapiro has a method for acquiring new skills that could be a missing chapter from Tim Ferriss’s 4-Hour Work Week.(Hey, Zack! When is the book coming out?) Learning is a big part of what the small business owner/entrepreneur has got to do to get ahead and stay there. Consider this day one of a class stretching on for the rest of your life.

6 Errors To Avoid When Starting An Online Business

Six mistakes to avoid in online business. Online businesses may be amongst the lowest in overhead cost. But be aware that starting an online business, like beginning any other venture, requires a clear plan of action and a plan that can realistically lead to success.

Monday, January 24, 2011

3 Ways To Keep Your Community Engaged

Staying engaged with your customer base. Whether they’re the people that read your blog, follow you on Twitter and Facebook, buy your products and services or refer others to you, your network is a community that must be nurtured. If you’re just starting a business, this could involve building a network in the first place. If you have a business it means keeping that network energized.

5 Tips for Hiring Legal Counsel in Your Small Business

How to hire legal counsel. Anita Campbell, founder and editor of Small Business Trendsputs her legal know-how as a former corporate attorney to work in this great post on how to hire and then manage the costs of an outside law firm. Whether you’re a big corporation or the smallest of startups, this primer will give you important tips about how to handle your legal representation in a variety of situations.

2011 Top 10 Small Business Ideas

What are your small business ideas? Entrepreneur and blogger Ivan Widjaya has a few of his own to share. The business ideas in this list aren’t exactly specific but explore some brand new trends out there that could stand a second look. It’s a great idea to look at some new possibilities when considering starting a new business or branching into a new product or service. Here are some ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cutting down on legal papers

Pair of entrepreneurs seek to cut down on endless legal documents. Keeping necessary paperwork can be a challenge for legal firms and small businesses alike. One company has turned the solution for this problem into a business model. Now their only task is to demonstrate to the rest of the world that automated legal documents are the path to the future.

Top 5 Changes for Small Business in 2011

5 big changes that could affect your small business.Small businesses face change everyday, changes in technology, the appearance of new competition in the marketplace and rising costs are only some of these. But five new legal requirements may spell difficulty for many small business owners depending upon their business model.

10 Legal Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Small Business And How To Avoid Them

10 huge small business mistakes and how to avoid them. These errors, while simple to make for the inexperienced, than severely damage or destroy your small business if not carefully considered. You may wish to consult an attorney on some of these issues to be sure you haven’t crossed the line into behavior that could bring about litigation.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Using social media for small business branding

Using social media for small business branding. Using social media (Twitter, Facebook etc.) is, as suggested earlier, amongst the easiest ways to create a small business brand on a par with larger competitors. Branding consultant Silvia Pencak shares some broader tips you may want to consider when using these tools to distinguish your business, organization, product or service.

How to Raise Start-up Capital in 2011

Raising capital: a how-to guide. Even though finding the money for your next small business startup has always been challenging, there’s no need to throw up your hands or throw in the towel. The fact is that small business are still starting and that entrepreneurs are still finding the funding to fuel these startups. But raising money requires evaluating your options and adapting to the environment. Even with venture capital less approachable than perhaps they once were, there are options open. This article looks at a few.

Technologies That Could Change Small Business In 2011

Why the Internet may make legal costs cheaper.A recent post on how technology is changing and lowering the cost of doing small business pointed to free online legal templates and Websites with legal ads. If this information is going to be free or significantly less expensive online. It means less cost on what used to be a huge expense for small business startup.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

5 Reasons to Invest In Small Business Branding

It’s time to invest in your brand. Investing in your business is always a good idea whether it’s with time, money or energy, but here Kristen Marie Schuerlein is talking about something more. Investing in your brand, as explained above, involves figuring out who you are and what makes you different when attracting customers or clients. Kristen has five good reasons to invest in your brand today. We think you’ll find it worth the effort.

What’s your fundraising plan?

What’s your fundraising plan? Just like your small business idea, your approach to fundraising requires a plan, and it starts with asking a number of very clear questions about your business, your market prospects and your team. Just as your business will need to compete in the market for the attention of busy consumers, your business must compete among a huge number of other entrepreneurs all seeking funding as well. What’s your plan for winning out in the end?

Building Your Brand with Social Media

Sending your small business brand global. One of the greatest potentials for using social media tools to brand your company is the possibility of sending your small business global. Before the Internet and social media, it took a big marketing or advertising budget and representatives around the world to gain global reach for your products and services. Here’s how to use the new media to gain a whole new kind of advantage.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sweet smell of soapy success

How product reflects your brand. Toronto-based Ella’s Botanicals reflects its values and commitment to locally produced, hand-made products with every bar of soap or bottle of lotion the company produces. Your brand cannot simply be a clever marketing campaign super imposed on a product that doesn’t match it’s image.

Tips on Motivating People Without Spending Money

The art of motivation without the cash. Starting a business often means building a team and often with less money than might be ideal. In today’s market, lack of adequate financing for startups forces entrepreneurs to seek creative ways of getting the best talent and getting them properly motivated to move your company forward. Here are some alternative suggestions when it comes to motivation when increasing monetary compensation is not an option.

New Year’s resolutions for small business branding

New Year’s resolutions for small business branding. Forget about loosing a few pounds or getting into shape! While the new year is still young, make a commitment to loose those aspects of your brand that are not advancing your business and getting your small business brand and the message it sends to your customers in shape. Make a resolution to improve your brand with some simple tips.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to Select a Valuable and Protectable Trademark

The importance of trademark for your small business branding. One of the best ways to protect your business’s position in the market, is through a business trademark. A trademark is not the same as a brand and has clear legal implications. Here Jeffrey Fabian explains a bit more about the process, what to look for and why a trademark may be right for you.

7 Qualities You Should Seek in a Business Partner

Looking for business partners? Like marriage or any other really important relationship in life, business partnership is not something to be entered lightly. It’s very important to know somethings about your future partner before formally deciding to work with them. Blogger Joseph Gustav makes the following suggestions when seeking a small business soul mate.

Branding misteps for companies large and small

Branding misteps for companies large and small. Just as both large and small businesses now can take advantage of the power of branding, so both large and small businesses can be hurt by the simplest mistakes where their brand is concerned. A Starbucks re-branding this week showed how even the largest and most powerful of companies can suffer from branding missteps. What values are your brands communicating to your customers. Financial Post

Friday, January 14, 2011

Does integrity boost your branding

Does integrity boost your branding? Here are three pieces of advice for building your brand all tied to an integrity-based approach telling others more about who you are and what you represent. Elinor Strutz’s approach pushes it to the limit and demands some soul searching. But when you[re through you should have an honest brand representing your own values and built to boost the kind of business you most want to attract.

Social media is all about making great first impressions

Social media is all about making great first impressions. Making a great first impression with your new business on Facebook can be critically important especially at a time when FB may be the most heavily trafficked and influential social media available. A new tool makes social media branding on the planet’s most popular social media platform a breeze with a great welcome page that should set your business apart.

Making your blog known

Making your blog known. Getting your blog quickly indexed by search engines like Google is one critically important way of marketing your blog to readers. Regardless of what SEO gurus may tell you, getting listed on a search engine is not as complicated as you might at first believe. Be aware, however, that getting listed a climbing to the top of the search engines in your particular niche are two very different things.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Are you building small business momentum?

Are you building small business momentum? It may not be something you’re terribly worried about when starting your small business, but little by little inertia will take over in your business no matter how enthusiastic you may have been in the beginning. This is the opposite of the momentum you will need to develop in order to keep your business growing and innovating. Inertia, by contrast, can kill your business. Here’s how to prevent it.

Have You Tested Your Strategy Lately?

Have You Tested Your Strategy Lately?: "Ten timeless tests can help you kick the tires on your strategy, and kick up the level of strategic dialogue throughout your company."

Basic branding with Twitter

Basic branding with Twitter. One of the easiest tools to establish personal or business branding today is Twitter. The microblogging platform allows great flexibility with its 140 character posts. What you accomplish depends upon your strategy and approach. This Twitter Q and A tells you more.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

A New Microlending Fund for Women Entrepreneurs

A New Microlending Fund for Women Entrepreneurs: "Kiva and skin-care company Dermalogica launch a campaign to promote microloans for women in the U.S. and overseas"

What I Learned at Entrepreneur Boot Camp

What I Learned at Entrepreneur Boot Camp: "An aspiring business owner gets a crash course in the essentials for running a company."

4 Key Lessons in Entrepreneurial Finance

4 Key Lessons in Entrepreneurial Finance: "

As part of my entrepreneurship classes, I teach my students to raise capital. When people find this out, they often ask one question: What’s the most important thing I need to know about raising money?  For entrepreneurs, four lessons are especially important.

Friday, January 7, 2011

4 Key Lessons in Entrepreneurial Finance

4 Key Lessons in Entrepreneurial Finance: "

As part of my entrepreneurship classes, I teach my students to raise capital. When people find this out, they often ask one question: What’s the most important thing I need to know about raising money?  For entrepreneurs, four lessons are especially important.

Shy, quiet and a born leader

Shy, quiet and a born leader: "Strong, silent types can make great leaders, too"

Lessons From A Master Marketer

Lessons From A Master Marketer: "Brandon Hidalgo peddles $110 million of educational DVDs in the free-information age. His edge: pinpoint direct marketing."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Designing The Soft Side Of Customer Service

Designing The Soft Side Of Customer Service: "In service environments, customers have complex needs. Even in the most mundane encounters, emotions are lurking under the surface. Your job is to make those feelings positive."

Married Couple's Guide To The New Estate Tax Law

Married Couple's Guide To The New Estate Tax Law: "Questions and answers on the new $10 million per couple federal estate tax break."

Small Businesses Should Focus on Exports

Small Businesses Should Focus on Exports: "Although exporting is traditionally considered the domain of multinationals, Kathleen Brush says small and midsized companies have plenty to gain from selling overseas"