Friday, August 31, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Take These Four Steps if You Want to Lead Big Change

Take These Four Steps if You Want to Lead Big Change: This article is by Christine M. Riordan, the dean and a professor of management at the Daniels College of Business.

How to Find Work with Purpose

How to Find Work with Purpose:
Many people today have not been given vocabularies to talk about what virtue is, what character consists of, and in which way excellence lies, so they just talk about community service, figuring that if you are doing the sort of work that Bono celebrates than you must be a good person. --  David Brooks, The New York Times,  from an op-ed column titled The Service Patch.
Brooks? piece made me think about how social purpose looks through the lens of recent graduates. The new wave of social entrepreneurs believes work needs to be meaningful. What kinds of people are drawn to careers devoted to social change? Where should they work, given the changing roles of governments, philanthropic organizations, and corporations? How can young people who want to make a difference find jobs that matter?

Techie Networking for Women (Video)

Techie Networking for Women (Video): From Silicon Valley to New York, the tech world is disruptive, innovative and mostly male. Startup entrepreneur Amy Yazdian of I'm In The Kitchen tells how she fit in.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Refine Your Pitch Over and Over Again

Refine Your Pitch Over and Over Again: We recently went live with the public beta version of my site, Taste Savant and have been starting to get some pretty great coverage in the press.  We are a highly curated restaurant discovery site designed to help the savvy diner decide where to eat out.  What makes us different is that we curate and aggregate restaurants and reviews only from trusted sources including friends, critics, chefs, bloggers, and other people who know about food.  We are basically the opposite of Yelp. Taste Savant provides you with a select group of restaurants that are worth your time with reviews aggregated from sources you can trust. Yelp, on the other hand, provides their users with tens of thousands of restaurants in a geographic area and thousands of reviews for each restaurant from users you don't know.

5 Steps To Crafting An Inspiring Presentation That's A Breeze to Deliver

5 Steps To Crafting An Inspiring Presentation That's A Breeze to Deliver: In my coaching and career development work with executives, leaders and entrepreneurs, we often get the chance to build inspiring and informative talks, seminars and presentations for a wide array of audiences, ranging from 50 to 500 in number.  The story goes like this: my client is invited to present at a national or regional conference or event, offering her take on her specific area of expertise.  She’s thrilled and honored, but while she’s at the top of her game in her field, she feels less than secure about delivering a powerful talk that will come across as effortless, natural and unscripted, and leave the attendees inspired and motivated.

How to Avoid Letting Your Emotions Blow The Deal

How to Avoid Letting Your Emotions Blow The Deal: Even the most levelheaded business owner can be unreasonable when it comes to selling their own company. Five keys to deal success

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

Man Down: What to do When Your Boss Gets Fired

Man Down: What to do When Your Boss Gets Fired: I can?t recall exactly how many managers I?ve had over the years, but it?s been quite a few. And as you can imagine, some were fantastic mentors and helped shape my career, while others?well, let?s just say that voodoo doll-making class was totally worth it.

3 Simple Ways to Discover Your Passion

3 Simple Ways to Discover Your Passion: Just read a really useful and thought-provoking article on Amex Open Forum, The 3 Biggest Things Entrepreneurs Mistake for Their Passion.  The author notes that entrepreneurs often mistake the enjoyment of a hobby, the idea of a 'hot trend,' or the possibility of a quick financial gain for 'passion.' It's true - but it's not just true for entrepreneurs; I've seen lots of employees do the same thing.

How to Know If a Business Partner is Right for You (Video)

How to Know If a Business Partner is Right for You (Video): Attorney Nina Kaufman on making sure you and your partners have what it takes to start a successful business together.

Friday, August 24, 2012

How Successful People Focus On What Matters

How Successful People Focus On What Matters: Earlier this year, Raphael Vitón and I wrote Free the Idea Monkey…to focus on what matters most!

Effective Managers Earn Trust Quickly By Doing 5 Things Well

Effective Managers Earn Trust Quickly By Doing 5 Things Well: Managers in the workplace have a unique role to play with multiple and continuously evolving responsibilities. They must instill a high-performance mindset while creating a culture whose foundation promotes teamwork and competitiveness for the betterment of a healthier whole. Additionally, managers must touch the business and stay active. More than ever managers must have just as strong of a pulse on the business (internally and externally) as those who are managing it on the front lines. Most importantly, managers must quickly earn trust from their colleagues to inspire team unity and collaboration that is centered on the fundamental principles of loyalty, communication and transparency.

How to Cope When Boss Is a Screamer

How to Cope When Boss Is a Screamer: Yelling is less tolerated in the workplace. But new ways of fighting, such as sharp emails, aren't always healthy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for Personal and Professional Growth?

What Are You Willing to Sacrifice for Personal and Professional Growth?:
One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. ~Sidney Howard
A common discussion topic that comes up in career coaching is that of sacrifice. For most people, it becomes apparent sooner or later that, in order to move forward, something must be left behind. When it comes to growth of any kind, there?s almost always a tradeoff?something comfortable that must be shed in the hopes that something better (though uncomfortable, scary and risky at first) will ultimately replace it.

When A Boss Takes Credit For Your Work

When A Boss Takes Credit For Your Work: Ever had a boss try to take credit for your work or ideas? Read this article for tips on dealing with credit stealing managers.

Make a Winning Elevator Pitch

Make a Winning Elevator Pitch: The winner of a small-business contest reveals what you need to say to investors to get the funding you need

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lessons From A Bad Boss

Lessons From A Bad Boss: This morning over breakfast, a wonderful woman I've just recently met was telling me about an epiphany she'd had a number of years ago during an interaction with a business coach. The coach had given her some feedback in a way that was actually anti-helpful.  And that moment my new friend thought, I could learn how to do this same thing - and do it right. That insight catalyzed her into getting an executive coaching certification and ultimately transitioning from marketing into HR.

6 Things That Will Make You (and Your Manager) a Better Leader

6 Things That Will Make You (and Your Manager) a Better Leader: There are distinct differences between managers and leaders. However, the new workplace is starting to see the interconnectedness of managers and leaders as organizations get leaner. For example, managers are being forced to become more strategic to cast their own vision for course-correction as the marketplace shifts more rapidly and competitive pressure impacts the bottom line faster. As such, managers must become better leaders as the demand for instant results and higher levels of performance are required to navigate the fiercely competitive landscape. Here are 6 things that will make you (and your manager) a better leader.

Getting Ahead Without a Swelled Head

Getting Ahead Without a Swelled Head: CEO disease--an affliction of arrogance that plagues people picked for powerful posts--has reached epidemic proportions, leadership experts say. Are you at risk?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Starting A New Job -- What You Need To Know To Succeed

Starting A New Job -- What You Need To Know To Succeed: In a recent article, 6 Things New Hires Should Do in the First 30 Days, author Jennifer King provides recommendations on what new hires can do to set themselves up for success. For example, King warns, “You only get one chance to make a first impression. So, before you start introducing yourself to everyone, figure out what you’re going to say when you meet them.” Other suggestions include…

The Most Under-rated Key to Long-Term Career Success: Staying Power

The Most Under-rated Key to Long-Term Career Success: Staying Power: You know what?s really under-rated in a career ? and it goes for journalists, CEOs, bankers, traders, musicians, athletes, or plumbers?

Discipline 5—Guaranteeing ‘Wow’ Service Every Time

Discipline 5—Guaranteeing ‘Wow’ Service Every Time: John MacInnes saw his opportunity for a competitive advantage in offering a level of customer service foreign to the software sector

Friday, August 17, 2012

How To Make Your Own Luck

How To Make Your Own Luck: It's Friday the 13th, and for millions of people, that feels unlucky.  Donna Henes, a woman who blogs at HufPo and describes herself as "Urban shaman, eco-ceremonialist, ritual expert and consultant," notes that fear of the number 13 and of Friday the 13th specifically, are the most common superstitions in most of the western world.

How To Bring Meaning Back To Your Work

How To Bring Meaning Back To Your Work: For the currently employed, the volatile economy makes many people grateful just to have a job. But for some people work isn’t complete unless it’s meaningful personally. How do you do find personal fulfillment when you might be anxious just to keep your job? Or what if you’re resentful at having foregone salary increases for the past few years? Or what if you’re just exhausted at doing more than one role because colleagues left (or were let go) and replacements were never hired? Here are 3 ways to put meaning back into your work:

Discipline 2—Firing Up Your Employees

Discipline 2—Firing Up Your Employees: Razor Suleman almost walked away from his incentive marketing firm but instead he refocused his mission to recruit, inspire and retain the best employees and tripled sales in the process

Thursday, August 16, 2012

5 Ways to Beat Burnout at Work

5 Ways to Beat Burnout at Work: Some projects can really take it out of you. You’ve been working for 10+ hours a day, brainstorming new ideas as you brush your teeth in the morning, and thinking about the best way to pitch as you climb into bed at night. Your focus, creativity, and problem-solving abilities have been put to the test—for hours, days, and weeks on end.

4 Ways to Leverage Who You Know to Grow Faster

4 Ways to Leverage Who You Know to Grow Faster: Who you know does matter. To speed up business growth and avoid pitfalls that can stunt growth, you need multiple networks: those that provide support and those that provide connections. Often, the two overlap; sometimes they are separate.

12 Steps to Turning Inbound Phone Calls into Sales

12 Steps to Turning Inbound Phone Calls into Sales: Don’t lose business when you answer the phone, close deals instead

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

3 Ways to Reinvigorate and Refocus Your Business

3 Ways to Reinvigorate and Refocus Your Business: As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get stuck in the weeds of your business, spending each day fending off the deluge of incoming emails and putting out fires. But just because that’s an easy mode to be in, doesn’t make it a good one. And it doesn’t take much time in this routine before your work will start to feel tedious and your business stagnant.

6 Ways Keeping a Journal Can Help Your Career

6 Ways Keeping a Journal Can Help Your Career: Keeping a journal is a great idea—and not just for aspiring novelists and 15-year-old girls. And I’m not referring to the public online journals that many of us (myself included) keep—though there’s value in those, too. I’m talking about a private, intimate journal; a daily record of your experiences and observations, particularly at work.

Discipline 1—Building a Super Sales Culture

Discipline 1—Building a Super Sales Culture: Robert Herjavec's secret to fuel fast growth: focus on creating a company culture that puts sales at its very heart

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The 6 People You Need in Your Corner

The 6 People You Need in Your Corner:
Nothing incredible is accomplished alone. You need others to help you, and you need to help others. With the right team, you can form a web of connections to make the seemingly impossible practically inevitable. The Instigater:  Someone who pushes you, who makes you think. Who motivates you to get up and

How to Grow Your Network Without Really Trying

How to Grow Your Network Without Really Trying: A reporter is only as good as her sources. As a self-employed journalist for 23 years, I was also only as good as my clients. Therefore, much of my career has been devoted to expanding my network.

8 Ways to Identify Great Salespeople

8 Ways to Identify Great Salespeople: Separate the wheat from the chaff with these smart interview questions—and the answers you should look for

Monday, August 13, 2012

Must-Have Communication Tools For Every Business

Must-Have Communication Tools For Every Business: Whether you’re a startup or a Fortune 500 company, every business needs to communicate effectively with their clients, employees and vendors. Since I started my company, MOD Restoration, I spend hours each month researching the best communication tools out there to enhance our customer experience and internal processes. I'm happy to share them with you so you can focus your time on the more fun stuff - like growing your business.

Deepak Chopra On Enlightened Leadership

Deepak Chopra On Enlightened Leadership: Deepak Chopra explains way Wall Street and Washington are "bankrupt," and how to be an "enlightened" leader.

How to Hire Heroes

How to Hire Heroes: Play up your small business’s strengths and you too can secure superstar talent

Friday, August 10, 2012

Four Steps to Becoming a Corporate Thought Leader

Four Steps to Becoming a Corporate Thought Leader: Ben Boyd is in the business of helping companies become thought leaders. The global chair of the corporate practice at PR firm Edelman, Boyd advises leading corporations on how to break through the clutter of today’s media environment. His advice? Thought leadership starts with understanding who you are and asking the right questions. “You can’t aspire to be something you’re not,” says Boyd. “In today’s world, who you are is how you are” – meaning that your actions become your public identity.  Here are his four tips to help your company become a thought leader.

5 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Career Mannequin

5 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Career Mannequin: Several years ago, one of the authors of Women Don't Ask, Linda Babcock, joined with a group of grad students and lodged a complaint against Carnegie Mellon University claiming that only men in the university's PhD program in economics were teaching courses on their own, whereas the women were working only as teaching assistants.

Selling Yourself in a Hurry: Résumé Tips

Selling Yourself in a Hurry: Résumé Tips: An employer might give your résumé all of 45 seconds. To make the most of that brief time, start with this advice for job seekers age 50-plus.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

4 Major Interview Mistakes (and How to Recover)

4 Major Interview Mistakes (and How to Recover): After sending out countless resumes, you’ve finally landed a job interview with your dream company. You’ve picked the perfect outfit, tucked ample copies of your resume into your folder, and practiced your answers over and over.

So You Hate Your Summer Job: Here Are 12 Things You Can Do

So You Hate Your Summer Job: Here Are 12 Things You Can Do: Students spend months vying for internships or summer jobs—and if they’re lucky enough to land one of those coveted positions, they most likely have high hopes and big expectations for it. But not all summer jobs measure up, and in some cases, students end up completely miserable.

How to throw cold water on a micromanager

How to throw cold water on a micromanager: Five ways employees can feel accountable without someone hovering over them

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Speak More Strategically

How to Speak More Strategically: It had been three weeks since my throat started to feel sore, and it wasn't getting better. The pain was most acute when I spoke. So I decided to spend a few days speaking as little as possible. Every time I had the urge to say something, I paused for a moment to question whether it was worth irritating my throat.

Unleashing A Hero

Unleashing A Hero: Sometimes it only takes one statement to influence someone’s success or failure.

Ten traits owners share with superheroes

Ten traits owners share with superheroes: The co-founder of used the concept of core values and put it within the framework of an epic adventure

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Achieving Your Goals Doesn't Always Happen Overnight

Achieving Your Goals Doesn't Always Happen Overnight: What do I have in Common with Human Nature, a group of performers have in common?

5 Productive Things To Do on a Slow Day at Work

5 Productive Things To Do on a Slow Day at Work: Phew?you've just wrapped a major event or come out the other side of a recruitment push. You've become a master multi-tasker, you?ve learned how to work twice as efficiently, and you?re no longer fazed by having a new challenge thrown at you every hour.

Beware of resume embellishments

Beware of resume embellishments: A little GPA padding. A slight fib on a job title. A clerical error on dates. What might seem like innocuous tweaks or typos on a resume can compound themselves, creating a mess for the individual and company.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Five Ways to Become a Global Leader

Five Ways to Become a Global Leader: When it comes to cultivating a global perspective, some people get lucky. Gregory Unruh had a Swiss roommate in college who grew up speaking five languages, while Unruh ? like many Americans - only spoke English. ?For a lot of people born in polyglot nations, or for children of expats or diplomats, there?s an advantage,? says Unruh, co-author (with Angel Cabrera) of Being Global: How to Think, Act, and Lead in a Transformed World. ?But we found that you don?t have to born that way ? you can make yourself into a global leader through conscious decision at any point in your life.?

The Top 5 Reasons Leaders Should Strive For Respect, Not The Liking Of Followers.

The Top 5 Reasons Leaders Should Strive For Respect, Not The Liking Of Followers.: The president may be a nice guy, but he's just over his head.  ~Mitt Romney

When hiring independent contractors makes sense

When hiring independent contractors makes sense: They can bring specialized knowledge at a more manageable cost for small business, experts say

Friday, August 3, 2012

How Do Great Leaders Weather a Perfect Storm? They Change Tack

How Do Great Leaders Weather a Perfect Storm? They Change Tack: In today?s post, Ken Perlman, my Kotter International colleague, discusses how to navigate the turbulence of large-scale change.

The Secret to Selling Your Company's Message

The Secret to Selling Your Company's Message: As an entrepreneur, no one knows your brand better than you do. And, as you navigate the complex twists and turns of running your own business, you might think that explaining why you love your company and why other people should love it, too, should be a no-brainer.

Take Control When Client Requests Overwhelm

Take Control When Client Requests Overwhelm: Don't respond to every e-mail immediately. Build your time into your pricing. Turn down jobs. Consultants share tips for managing expectations

Thursday, August 2, 2012

How to Find and Stop Fraud Within Your Organization

How to Find and Stop Fraud Within Your Organization: This article is by Craig Hirsch, a manager in the forensic and regulatory compliance consulting practice at the CPA firm Kaufman, Rossin. He specializes in forensic accounting, anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing, financial intelligence, corporate investigations, dispute consulting, and fraud risk assessments, and can be reached at

Losing a Customer in One Easy Lesson: Rules 1, Customer 0

Losing a Customer in One Easy Lesson: Rules 1, Customer 0: What happens when following the rules is more important than serving the customer: losing a customer in one easy lesson.

How to keep staff absences from being unexpected

How to keep staff absences from being unexpected: In an ideal world, everyone would always show up for work. We don't live in an ideal world, and the smaller the business, the bigger the effect that unmanaged absenteeism has on it

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Basic Steps Toward Work-Life Balance

Basic Steps Toward Work-Life Balance: For most people, juggling the demands of a career and a personal life is an ongoing challenge, especially at a time when many companies have slashed their ranks--and expect more from the survivors.

The entrepreneur's guide to dating--and start-ups

The entrepreneur's guide to dating--and start-ups: Trying to be polite, a friend of ours, Susan a big deal finance executive at a Fortune 25 company, asked what our new book was about.

What to do when employees go rogue

What to do when employees go rogue: The time to start thinking about these sorts of issues is when you're hiring the staffer, not when you are retaining the spin doctors