Friday, December 30, 2011

Do you need to hire a PR firm as part of your B2B marketing plan?

Do you need to hire a PR firm as part of your B2B marketing plan?: PR is one of the most powerful tools in the B2B marketing tool kit. It’s rated the second most effective tool for driving brand awareness in the MarketingProfs report “ What Works in 2011......

How To Find Your Passion

How To Find Your Passion: What causes stress, both the personal kind (money woes, boss-hate, road-rage) and the societal kind (#OWS, congressional gridlock, volatile stock markets)? John Hagel has a theory about stress--and a solution.

The 7 Keys to Successful Failure

The 7 Keys to Successful Failure: Many people thinking of failure as the undesirable end of something they attempted, when really it is just the beginning.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Entrepreneurs and the hunt for good staff

Entrepreneurs and the hunt for good staff: How are entrepreneurs handling the hunt for good employees? A new national survey finds they’re widening search criteria and offering low-cost perks.

Building a valuable business

Building a valuable business: When Kathryn From bought into Toronto-based Bravado Designs, the maker of nursing lingerie was struggling—but she turned things around, big time.

Acquisitions: Buying a business

Acquisitions: Buying a business: Making an acquisition is a tricky business. The answers to these seven questions will tell you want you're really in for.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Business opportunity news you can use

Business opportunity news you can use: Because we’ve been too busy coping with a “global economic crisis” for the past year, we’re giving you a PROFIT update while we have the chance

How to Avoid Becoming a Person You Hate

How to Avoid Becoming a Person You Hate: I was so angry my whole body was shaking. I stared at Günther* with hate, my left hand in a fist and my right hand gripping a tennis racket as a weapon. I was ready to kill him.

Financing foreign sales

Financing foreign sales: Here's how to fund your next export order.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Five Keys to Managing an Unpredictable Boss

Five Keys to Managing an Unpredictable Boss: Wouldn’t it be nice if management theory actually worked in practice? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could follow the tenets of The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan to get your strategic, operating, and organizational processes in place and let them run without interruption? Wouldn’t it be nice if your boss had perfect leadership skills and gave you clear direction and then never changed his or her mind?

5 slick ways to market your small business

5 slick ways to market your small business: If you want to grow your company in 2012, think a little bit different.

The 20 New Rules Of Money

The 20 New Rules Of Money: Markets have changed, and so should your investment strategy.

Friday, December 23, 2011

5 Tips To Make Money During Retirement

5 Tips To Make Money During Retirement: William Baldwin share tips on how to invest your money.

12 Remote Work Trends to Achieve (Not Just Predict)

12 Remote Work Trends to Achieve (Not Just Predict): During his closing remarks for the 2011 Society for Human Resources Management’s Strategy Conference, Don Tapscott, the author of the bestseller Wikinomics, said, “I believe that the future is something that must be achieved and not predicted.”

Great Ideas: How to avoid the top traps in hiring a leader

Great Ideas: How to avoid the top traps in hiring a leader: How often have you seen someone with great credentials and buzz land a top job, only to have people before long wonder, “Just what we were thinking?” James Citrin and Julie Hembrock Daum have in their decades as executive search specialists seen many firms make classic mistakes when hiring a CEO or leader of a key function such as HR, finance, marketing or technology.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What to Do When You Screw Up and Accept Less than You're Worth

What to Do When You Screw Up and Accept Less than You're Worth: We've all done it. We've settled on a price or a salary or made an agreement to do something, and when we come to our senses we think, "What the heck did I say yes to that for?"

Social media branding: Learning to fly

Social media branding: Learning to fly: A simple guide for any business making its first investment in social media—or wondering why it wasn't better the last time.

Find Gratitude Cues in Everyday Life

Find Gratitude Cues in Everyday Life: 2011 Happiness Challenge: For those of you following the 2011 Happiness Project Challenge, to make 2011 a happier year -- and even if you haven’t officially signed up for the challenge -- welcome! This month’s theme is Gratitude, and last week’s resolution was to Make the positive argument. Did you try that resolution? Did it boost your happiness?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Opportunity Guide 2012

Opportunity Guide 2012: Do you want to find new customers? Transform an existing business or launch a new one? PROFIT’s 16th annual Opportunity Guide has the top trends and hot markets on which to stake your success in 2012 and beyond.

Better ways to give

Better ways to give: Charitable requests can overwhelm your business. Here's how one entrepreneur improved the returns for both the donor and the recipients.

Is Your Cross-Sell Strategy Doomed?

Is Your Cross-Sell Strategy Doomed?: The Enterprise Council on Small Business (ECSB) conference in October featured some new research on the dynamics—and possibilities—of cross-selling among small and medium-sized businesses. Some of the results probably mirror what most of us have experienced in our 2012 planning: More than nine out of 10 companies plan to increase their emphasis on cross-selling in the coming year. This, despite the fact that the ROI of cross-selling continues to decline with almost two-thirds of the programs studied missing their goals.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Top 10 Small Business Predictions for 2012

Top 10 Small Business Predictions for 2012: Here is a collection of next year's top trends for marketing, retailing, service businesses, mobile, social media and more.

Before Launching, Organize Personal Finances

Before Launching, Organize Personal Finances: Aspiring entrepreneurs preparing to start businesses will find that savings, credit access, and credit scores matter more than market research and investor presentations

The Key to Creating More

The Key to Creating More: "Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want."*

Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Reasons That Hard Work Isn't Enough To Win In Your Work

5 Reasons That Hard Work Isn't Enough To Win In Your Work: In the current terrain of economic uncertainty, seeing and seizing new types of opportunity is the key to your success.   As such, working harder and trying to impress your boss with longer hours just isn’t enough.  In today’s workplace, you must make a commitment to manage 5 workplace engagement activities that will determine your ultimate success.

One Person You Could Add to Your Team to Change Your Bottom Line

One Person You Could Add to Your Team to Change Your Bottom Line:

There’s freedom in creativity–that’s why artists live there. They crave it; they feel like they drown without it. In this regard, entrepreneurs are little different — they want  freedom, too.

While discussing the difference between a franchisor and an entrepreneur in “Entrepreneurs Need Not Apply,” Joel Libava says:

“Entrepreneurs generally don’t do well with rules. Instead of following the rules, they tend to make their own.”

Is that true?

As a member of a community of small business owners, I see this creative need to invent and sometimes reinvent from the ground up. We do tend to develop our own rules, particularly if the original ones don’t make sense to us.

But if the rule works, why not follow it?

And what about hiring an entrepreneur to work in your business? 

Can you count on them? Is it a good or bad idea?

Ivana Taylor gives five reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid to hire an entrepreneur, including the fact that they often bring more attention to your business by way of their brand.

The partnership can be good for your business, but how you treat them matters. Serious entrepreneurs value innovation, need freedom and want results, as well as creativity. But how do you make the most of this relationship?

Ivana suggests that you design a solution that works for both sides — consider it “more like a merger or joint venture and explore the many creative ways that you can [craft] a relationship that’s a win-win for you, the entrepreneur and their customers.”

That is a shift in thinking, but since the right partnership can change your business, it’s worth the effort.

As Yvonne DiVita puts it, America’s got talent – are you tapping into it effectively?  She’s talking about a simple idea to help you make the most of the creative abilities on your team by providing an on-the-job outlet for that creativity. But her question (and play on the TV show) prompts me to consider all angles, all options, all relationships.

Putting creativity and entrepreneurs on your team is good for business. 

As small business owners wearing a manager’s hat at times, our goal in this case is twofold:

  1. to hire people with integrity and the best ideas, because liars and cheats will rub you the wrong way no matter what; and

  2. to target the creativity on your team by giving it a purpose, a focus and a definite outlet, because in business actions produce results.

Creativity inspires new action. Make room for it.

Image from EDHAR/Shutterstock

Stop Distracting Me!

Stop Distracting Me!: Are you finding it harder to stay focused at work these days?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Recognize a Winning Business Idea

Recognize a Winning Business Idea: To gauge future success, know how the concept will help the target market and whether it will fit into how those customers identify themselves

Return on Marketing Divestment: When Is It Time to Let Go?

Return on Marketing Divestment: When Is It Time to Let Go?: Marketers today need to prove ROI. But, too many focus only on the “return,” without paying close enough attention to where these returns originated, the “investment.” That’s unfortunate, because murky marketing spend is no longer acceptable –and even worse, it’s now a recipe for disaster. These days, a sound strategy is essential. Marketers must use technology and analytics to consistently track performance,  identify the most profitable channels and optimize the marketing mix to drive revenue.

Sales meetings that don't suck

Sales meetings that don't suck: Consider a new approach that educates, motivates and never puts anyone to sleep.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Make Business Planning Less Daunting, Let's Call It Something Else

To Make Business Planning Less Daunting, Let's Call It Something Else: We need new vocabulary for business planning. Just don't call it a 'business plan.'

Top Ten Things Advisors Should Be Doing NOW!

Top Ten Things Advisors Should Be Doing NOW!: OK – the markets are trading like a yo yo, the news from abroad is depressing, and it’s getting harder and harder to feel optimistic (despite the arrival of the holidays). So, what should you do? Here are some ideas to help you survive and thrive:

Friday, December 9, 2011

Great Ideas: The 5 keys to effective employee evaluations

Great Ideas: The 5 keys to effective employee evaluations: In most firms, managers and staffers alike dread annual employee evaluations. That’s because the goals of these meetings are often unclear. Many feel as though such exercises have no real bearing on individual compensation, job performance and/or overall company outputs.

An 18 Minute Plan for Managing Your Day

An 18 Minute Plan for Managing Your Day: Yesterday started with the best of intentions. I walked into my office in the morning with a vague sense of what I wanted to accomplish. Then I sat down, turned on my computer, and checked my email. Two hours later, after fighting several fires, solving other people's problems, and dealing with whatever happened to be thrown at me through my computer and phone, I could hardly remember what I had set out to accomplish when I first turned on my computer. I'd been ambushed. And I know better.

5 Ways To Make a Killer First Impression

5 Ways To Make a Killer First Impression: Most people will judge you within the first second of meeting you and their opinion will most likely never change. Making a good first impression is incredibly important, because you only get one shot at it.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Do You Know How To Mix Happiness And Business?

Do You Know How To Mix Happiness And Business?: Stop Believing These 3 Myths

The 3 Things That Steve Jobs Taught Us About Creative Leadership

The 3 Things That Steve Jobs Taught Us About Creative Leadership: For Jobs creativity was about knowing what you want, applying intuition, and keeping it simple. And maybe his genius is in how deceptively uncomplicated it seems. Yet at the end his approach to creative leadership required raising the bar remarkably high, inspiring others to do the impossible, and an almost unwavering ability to focus.

Mentoring and Movements: How Leaders Are Made

Mentoring and Movements: How Leaders Are Made: When it comes to movements -- when it comes to life -- being a mentor is just as important and being mentored

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How To Turn Down A Promotion (Without Losing Your Job)

How To Turn Down A Promotion (Without Losing Your Job): “From one organization to another, passing on a promotion might go perfectly well or you could find yourself put to pasture.”

Great Ideas: 4 ways to thrill your customers

Great Ideas: 4 ways to thrill your customers: The standard steps that entrepreneurs take to launch or fortify a business—such as lining up financing and writing a marketing plan—are crucial.

How to Negotiate a Year-End Raise

How to Negotiate a Year-End Raise: When Stuart Diamond worked as a reporter at The New York Times in the 1980s, he used to approach his boss toward the end of every year and pose a general query about how the boss thought he had been doing. Then after getting a favorable response, he would ask ...

Monday, December 5, 2011

One Simple Step to Higher Earnings

One Simple Step to Higher Earnings: A few months ago, I was flipping through the Wall Street Journal, when 5 words practically slapped  me in the face.  I can’t remember what the article was about. But the phrase super-glued itself to my brain.

10 questions to ask before taking a promotion

10 questions to ask before taking a promotion

The Impact of Eye Contact

The Impact of Eye Contact: You’re at a business event and the colleague you’ve been having an intense conversation with begins to shift her gaze from your face to look around the room. Ever wonder why that makes you feel as if she has stopped listening? You know it’s not logical. A person doesn’t have to look at you to hear you. People don’t listen with their eyes.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Zappos' Success Secrets

Zappos' Success Secrets: Author Carmine Gallo offers five principles for delivering customers and profits.

4 Ways To Improve Your Resume... (From a Recruiter)

4 Ways To Improve Your Resume... (From a Recruiter): Let’s face it: Your resume is the most valuable document of your professional life. Everyone from recent college graduates to experienced professionals will judged on this one piece of paper.

Does your marketing need some space?

Does your marketing need some space?: Step back and see what makes sense from the market’s perspective.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Do You Have Clutter Mentality?

Do You Have Clutter Mentality?: One thing I've noticed about happiness: for me, and for most people, outer order contributes to inner calm. More than it should. In the scope of a happy life, a messy desk or an overstuffed coat closet is a trivial thing, yet I find -- and I hear from other people that they agree -- that getting rid of clutter gives a disproportionate boost to happiness.

9 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Work

9 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Work: I recently started my own freelance writing business, so, in fact, I no longer answer to a “boss.”

Before You Hire Your First Employee

Before You Hire Your First Employee: First assess the implications of putting workers on payroll. Then limit future legal headaches by creating an employment policy