Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Workplace Phobias That Can Derail Your Career

Workplace Phobias That Can Derail Your Career: "Eleven noteworthy conditions that could seriously take a toll on a professional career."

Ten Tips For Better Business Writing

Ten Tips For Better Business Writing: "The growing ubiquity of e-mail means that everyone in business, from lords of finance to programmers who dream in code, needs to write intelligently. By using simple, clear, precise language--and following a few other basic writing rules--you can become a better communicator and improve the prospects for your career."

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Hire Interns

5 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Hire Interns: "They've got the same big smiles, shining eyes, and passion to work and represent your service just as much as you do. Think of the intern as mini-me. Whether you're an established start-up or a fledging small business on the rise, you will eventually begin to think about creating a team of professionals to work alongside you. While you will want to work with individuals that boast a healthy resume of experience, don't discredit the intern. Today, they're pulling their weight in unimaginable ways for small businesses and companies."

Monday, May 30, 2011

Business Lessons From A Nine-Year Old

Business Lessons From A Nine-Year Old: "Sometimes I think we make business much more complicated than it is. Just this past week, I was reminded of three key business practices that my nine-year old daughter, Katie, already knows:"

Dressing For Success While Office-Less

Dressing For Success While Office-Less: "If you ever wanted to know how to dress for the job, I recommend taking advice from Jack Donaghy."

What College Graduates Wish They Had Done Differently

What College Graduates Wish They Had Done Differently: "As the class of 2011 prepares to enter the workforce, they should know what their predecessors regret most. It turns out that seven out of 10 college graduates, ages 22 to 26, wish they had done more to prepare for the real world. A recent survey conducted by staffing firm Adecco [...]"

Friday, May 27, 2011

How to Survive Being Downsized

How to Survive Being Downsized: "This is the beginning of my third month as a Forbes blogger. Last month, I wrote a post about my first month as a Forbes blogger, "How to Become a Forbes Blogger." This is a post about my second month as a Forbes blogger."

How To Get A Job If You're Over-Qualified

How To Get A Job If You're Over-Qualified: "One of New York job coach Robert Hellmann’s recent clients had an impressive résumé as a senior human resources manager. The client had logged 20 years, managed 30 people and commanded a budget of $10 million. But he found himself at a point in his life where he didn’t want the pressure that comes with a senior position. Instead, he was shooting for a job that only required eight years of experience and few managerial responsibilities."

Wise Leaders Guide Through Change

Wise Leaders Guide Through Change: "When someone is described to you as “wise,” what do you expect from that person? Generally you assume he or she will have a clear and balanced perspective, and will reflect on circumstances and come to a reasoned conclusion.  You assume that person will be able to give good counsel, and will learn from their own and others’ mistakes."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chatter: Bringing Facebook to the Enterprise

Chatter: Bringing Facebook to the Enterprise: "Last week, I met with an interesting software company. During the presentation, an icon appeared on the bottom right-side of the screen. It was a notification for something called Chatter."

Mastering the Cocktail Party in 25 Steps

Mastering the Cocktail Party in 25 Steps: "Even the most outgoing among us can feel intimidated when entering a room full of new people. Here is a recipe that you can customize to your needs; follow all or take what works for you."

Six Ways to Suck up Successfully (it is not as easy as you might think it is)

Six Ways to Suck up Successfully (it is not as easy as you might think it is): "Sucking up really isn’t so easy. You can’t just tell your boss “you’re the greatest” because (although he might believe you) he is likely to grasp that you’re trying to sweet talk him into giving you this job, a raise, or a positive appraisal. As a result, it might all backfire because, as we know from research, people who think you are trying to trick them are less likely to actually give it to you. No, sucking up – or ingratiation behavior, as we euphemistically call it in management research – is easier said than done."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How To Make Everyone Work As A Team

How To Make Everyone Work As A Team: "Leadership is the art of enabling people to work collectively so that they can create results that they couldn't obtain alone. In the old days, people in large corporations understood this in terms of hierarchical command and control. In today's interconnected world, such an approach fails to produce the innovation and results you need."

How to Find the Business That's Right for You

How to Find the Business That's Right for You: "Ready to dive in the entrepreneurial pool but unsure which direction to go? Follow these steps to help you decide what kind of business is for you."

How to Succeed at Business: Vision, Courage and Flexibility

How to Succeed at Business: Vision, Courage and Flexibility: "When we recognize our sisters' successes, we rarely ask "how exactly did you do that? I mean, step-by-step." We congratulate them and walk away thinking sure, they could do it because they had the education or they had the experience or they had the connections."

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

When Wrong Makes Right: The Upside of Failure

When Wrong Makes Right: The Upside of Failure: "If you haven't achieved the success you thought you would by now, blame failure—or, rather, the lack of it."

Starbucks CEO Lesson in Communication Skills

Starbucks CEO: Lesson in Communication Skills: "Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz taught me a valuable lesson in communication skills—what you stand for is more important than what you make. Let me explain."

Cheesecake Factory's winning formula

Cheesecake Factory's winning formula: "Cheesecake Factory Founder David Overton tells how he turned his parents' business into a billion-dollar restaurant chain."

Monday, May 23, 2011

How to Prepare to Be Your Own Boss

How to Prepare to Be Your Own Boss: "Five tips for young hopefuls to consider before hanging their own shingle."

Wise Leaders Guide Through Change

Wise Leaders Guide Through Change: "When someone is described to you as “wise,” what do you expect from that person? Generally you assume he or she will have a clear and balanced perspective, and will reflect on circumstances and come to a reasoned conclusion.  You assume that person will be able to give good counsel, and will learn from their own and others’ mistakes."

How Does a Small Business Fund Its Growth?

How Does a Small Business Fund Its Growth?: "Large, publicly traded businesses have a vast array of options when they want to capitalize growth. Small businesses? Not so much."

Thursday, May 19, 2011

5 Ways To Eradicate Self-Doubt

5 Ways To Eradicate Self-Doubt: "Most people assume that entrepreneurs have no self-doubt; they seem to ooze self-confidence. Their propensity to embrace risk and novel challenges virtually screams, “I will build it; I know they will come.”"

How Real-Time Marketing Technology Can Transform Your Business

How Real-Time Marketing Technology Can Transform Your Business: "Market research used to be a calming activity, like a relaxing game of golf. You would see some trend in the market and commission a survey or some other form of research. A couple of months or more would go by as you played a few more holes. Then you would get an answer. No rush. No hurry. No worry about how much the market changed between the time of your insight until the time you answered your question."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Advertising 3.0 - Movement Marketing

Advertising 3.0 - Movement Marketing: "Forget about ads. Spark a movement instead. Brands today can’t ignore the fact that the marketing landscape has radically altered in favor of movement marketing. There hasn’t just been a shake-up here, there’s been an earthquake."

Think Big!

Think Big!: "Everything you need to know to turn your great idea into a bestselling product."

Buddies In Business

Buddies In Business: "What it's really like to start a company with your best friend."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

How To Ace Your Performance Review

How To Ace Your Performance Review: "Three years ago, Samuel Culbert, a UCLA professor and management consultant, published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal titled, "Get Rid of the Performance Review!" The piece got a huge response from readers, and he went on to write a book with the same title, which came out last year."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

21 Quick Startup Fixes

21 Quick Startup Fixes: "Starting to think Murphy's Law was written just for you? Don't worry--these practical solutions should get you back on track fast."

Test Run

Test Run: "Our Product Development Expert takes you through the steps of developing the right prototype for your product."

Yoga Made Me A Better CEO

Yoga Made Me A Better CEO: "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Start-Up America: 6 Secrets To Startup Success

Start-Up America: 6 Secrets To Startup Success: "Last month, my fellow contributor at Forbes, Daniel Isenberg, celebrated the White House’s effort to encourage entrepreneurship through its initiative:  Start-Up America. He wrote: “Bravo President. Bravo White House. Bravo corporate America. Bravo private foundations, think tanks and NGOs. Bravo entrepreneurs. Bravo venture capitalists.”"

Five Simple Tips To Advance Your Career

Five Simple Tips To Advance Your Career: "There are a few standard career management tips I recommend to every professional, regardless of position, industry, experience level or future ambitions. These things are super easy to do and they help ensure you’re taking at least a minimally active role in your professional development."

Business Incubators for a Variety of Niches

Business Incubators for a Variety of Niches: "A growing number of specialized, market-specific business accelerators are helping entrepreneurs around the country get their businesses off the ground"

Friday, May 6, 2011

Startup lies companies tell you

Startup lies companies tell you: "Iconic brands like to have romantic stories of how they got started. Here's the truth behind 5 popular creation myths."

Be The One Who Gets The Promotion

Be The One Who Gets The Promotion: "Donald Asher has spent his career helping people get ahead. The author of 10 books, including Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't, And Why, Asher, 53, travels the globe talking to colleges, universities and MBA programs about career development. He also works as a career coach for executives who make at least $200,000 a year. Asher's specialty: employees who want to put themselves on the fast track, which means a promotion every 18 months."

What Type Of Financing Is Right For Your Business?

What Type Of Financing Is Right For Your Business?: "In today's recessionary environment, female entrepreneurs have had to think outside the box and dig deep to find much needed capital to drive their businesses forward. It has been more difficult for women due to a lack of long-term, proven results and their tendency to be debt-averse."

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Decisions: Who Does What?

Decisions: Who Does What?: "When companies find themselves floundering over decisions, the answer is a ‘decision reset’ – in effect, setting up their decisions for success, by answering four simple questions: What? Who? How? When?"

What You Can Learn From My Hedge Fund's Success

What You Can Learn From My Hedge Fund's Success: "Now that I’ve started responding to questions submitted to us on Facebook and Twitter, you may be wondering if this is an opportunity to get some stock recommendations from a former CEO of a successful hedge fund. If that's the case, I'm sorry to tell you that I’m no longer in that business. Instead, I'm in the business of financial education. While I was there, as CEO I was primarily responsible for marketing and growing the business but  I can share the strategy that worked well for us.  In other words, so while I don't have any fish to give you, I can certainly teach you how I used to fish."

Where next for gold and silver?

Where next for gold and silver?: "Gold closed on April 27 at an all-time high of $1,517.10 an ounce. But despite all the buzz about bullion recently, that represents an increase of only 6.8 per cent from the 2010 year-end price of $1,420.78."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Know a New College Graduate? Great Career Tips to Pass On

Know a New College Graduate? Great Career Tips to Pass On: "The cap and gown are ready to go. How about the career plan?"

6 Common Subscriptions You Can Live Without

6 Common Subscriptions You Can Live Without: "Retailers make it so easy for us to sign contracts that we rarely take the time to step back and think about the investment that we’re making. When you sign up for a membership, it's important to weigh the long-term benefits against the costs. If you want to make the most out your budget, it's important think about which services are truly worth your money. Chances are if you consider this carefully, you'll end up with a lot fewer bills to pay."

9 Things To Know About Retiring In 2011

9 Things To Know About Retiring In 2011: "Do you plan to retire this year? Most of us, according to recent surveys, have not calculated if we'll have enough money for the long years of retirement. Prospective retirees who are financially unprepared for the costs of retirement will likely face these potentially unpleasant economic surprises: inflation, tax liabilities, uninsured medical expenses and the all-inclusive miscellaneous expenses - auto and home repairs, rent increases, appliance replacements and so forth."

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Growing Startup Should Only Hire Entrepreneurs

A Growing Startup Should Only Hire Entrepreneurs: "Every startup lucky enough to get some traction gets to the point where they decide to hire some “regular employees” for sales, marketing, and administrative tasks. Then they are surprised to see productivity and creativity take a big dip. What they should be doing is hiring more “entrepreneurs,” meaning people who [...]"

A Rolls Royce Drove My Overnight Success

A Rolls Royce Drove My Overnight Success: "Do you have what it takes to be an overnight success? I started a food distribution business in Atlantic City, N.J. that was just that— in less than six months my company was discovered and the rest is history."

The Myth of Multitasking

The Myth of Multitasking: "Technology has so many advantages, but some devices that were designed to make us more productive, are now creating a new set of productivity problems. When laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and cell phones are close by, attendees at workplace meetings struggle to keep their focus on the speaker. It’s just too compelling and easy to check email, text messages and surf the web instead. Of course these workers think that they are multitasking. But, when it comes to the brain ability to pay attention, the brain focuses on concepts sequentially and not on two things at once. In fact, the brain must disengage from one activity in order to engage in another. And it takes several tenths of a second for the brain to make this switch. As John Medina, author of “Brain Rules” says: “To put it bluntly, research shows that we can’t multitask. We are biologically incapable of processing attention-rich inputs simultaneously.” ( http://brainrules.blogspot.com/2008/03/brain-cannot-multitask_16.html)"

Monday, May 2, 2011

Improve Your Search Engine Optimization Skills

Improve Your Search Engine Optimization Skills: "For a website designer hoping to boost clients in search results, experts suggest studying Google's informational guides and experimenting on a test site"

Playing the Ad Game

Playing the Ad Game: "Where did you see adverts today? In your newspaper? Magazine? TV and radio? Whilst surfing the net?"

Five Things Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Angel Investors

Five Things Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Angel Investors: "If your startup is looking for an angel investor, does it makes sense to present your plan to flocks of angels, and assume that at least one will swoop down and scoop you up? In reality, hitting large numbers of angels in multiple locations with a generic pitch is one of the least productive approaches."